章 : eight

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edited : 08

"So what would you like to do now?" She asks, looking over at the nonchalant pinkette as they walked through the exit of the theme park.

"It's getting late... how about we go get somethin' to eat?" He suggests, allowing the blonde to pull him by the hand.

"Lets go get pizza!" She giggles as they both took a seat in the car. "Capricorn, could you take us to the closest pizza place, please?" She smiles, begging her driver with her big brown eyes.

"As you wish, Mi'lady..." Capricorn smiles, sighing at her excitement.

After purchasing their pizzas, they decided to eat once they got back to the mansion, hoping the food would still be warm by that time.

Struggling with the box of garlic bread and wings, the blonde attempted to open her car door, growing irritated by the big smirk on Natsu's face as he watched her struggle.

You jerk! She growls in her head, glaring at the pinkette.

"Would you like some help, Mi'lady?" Capricorn asks, taking the boxes with one hand before opening the door for her with the other one.

"Arigatō, Capricorn-san..." she sighs, turning to glare at Natsu's amused look.

On the way back, the duo were mostly in silence as the pinkette ignored how the blonde would stick her hands into the bag of chips every once in a while, clearly trying to be discreet as she shoved a handful of them into her petite mouth.

At least it she can handle a lot in her mouth... he thought to himself, watching her from the corner of his eye, however turning away when she stared at him sharply to check if he saw her.

He chuckled quietly at her cute behaviour before realising they were pulling into their huge garage.

"You can take the rest of the night off, Capricorn." Lucy smiles at her driver as they entered the house. "You've worked hard today!"

"Arigatō Mi'lady and have a good night." He bows before reminding her to contact him or Loke if she needs any assistance. "You too, Master Natsu..."

It had been about thirty minutes since Capricorn had left and the duo decided to have their pizza in the cinema room as they watched a movie.

"I can't believe she would do that to him..." Lucy whispers as she stuffed her eighth slice of pizza into her mouth, wiping a stray tear from her eyes.

"I think she should've told the truth in the first place to be honest." Natsu adds, shrugging as he finished his tenth slice.

"I'm surprised you were playing attention." She giggles with a mouth full of garlic bread.

"You shouldn't talk when your mouth is full..." he grins.

"And you shouldn't always be a moody little dragon." She retorts, winking at him.

"But Hime-" being interrupted by the doorbell, the duo looked at each other in confusion as to why someone would be visiting at ten at night.

Getting up, the blonde left the cinema room and made her way to the front door with Nastu following a few steps behind.

"Gray-kun? What're you doing here?" The blonde question, seeing the ravenette stood at the front door.

"I came because I knew he would be here..." he grins, pointing at the pinkette stood with his arms crossed behind her.

"What do you want?" Natsu asks, walking closer to the door.

"You can come in if you'd like." She smiles before walking away, the pinkette assumed she was probably going to eat the rest of his chicken wings.

"It's about Lis..." Gray starts, taking a seat on one of the lounge chairs.

"So why must I be told?" He asked, a look of boredom at the topic of conversation.

"She wants to see you."

"Oh, So you're her messenger now?" Natsu chuckles dryly. "I don't want to see her and she should know that."

"Then as you're best friend, could you please go to school tomorrow? For me?" Gray asks genuinely. "She won't quit bothering me until she sees you and I know that you've blocked her from calling or texting you so could you please do me this one favour?"

"I was hoping to go back the same time as Lucy starts, but I'll think about it..." he mumbles, rolling his eyes at the satisfied ravenette.

"Well, I'll see you on Monday, Flame Brain." Gray smirks, walking towards the front door. "And tell Lucy I said bye..."

"No." Natsu frowns, remembering when he had heard Gray's voice the night Lucy arrived home late.

"Woah, no need to be jealous, flamethrower." Gray chuckles before leaving.

That damn popsicle... he growls to himself as he strolled back into the cinema room, seeing the blonde asleep with her head rested on the dragon plush he had won earlier but also his empty box of wings.

"Stupid girl..." he mumbled, as he lifted the blonde with ease before bringing her up the stairs and into her room.

Placing her softly on the bed, he took her hair out of the tight bun she had left it in, allowing it to spread around her head as she slept.

"Goodnight Hime..." he smiles, laying beside her with an arm wrapped around her waist.

"I'll stay here for awhile..." he whispers to himself as he inhaled her sweet scent of lavender and honey with a hint of perfume as he closed his eyes and relaxed.

"Ryuu-kun..." she whispered in her sleep, snuggling closer to his naturally warm body.


The next morning, the blonde had woken up to realise she had slept with her previous clothes on from the night before.

"Plue? How did I get up here?" She asked, even though she knew she wouldn't get an answer from the sleeping canine.

Stretching her legs, the blonde got out of bed and walked into the bathroom. Performing her morning routine of showering and brushing her teeth before straightening her bed hair and getting dressed into leggings and a shirt.

Checking the time, she realised it was about 8:15 in the morning and came to the conclusion that she had woken up extra early for some reason.

Walking down the stairs, the blonde caught the pinkette ready to walk out of the front door in what seemed to be a school uniform.

"Natsu? What're you doing?" She asks sceptically, watching as he stared at her with his usual impassive expression.

"Gray wants me to go to school today..." he answers, putting on his trainers.

"W- Well, have a good day then..." she smiles inscrutably, walking into the kitchen to retrieve an apple and give to him.

"You aren't mad?" He asks, taking the apple out of her hand.

"I have no reason to be," She giggles, also tossing him a car key before walking back up the stairs. "And I'll let you borrow one of my cars for today..." she winks before completely disappearing upstairs.

Shaking his head, he chuckled at the car she gave him the keys to before walking to the garage to find it.

"Damn that girl has taste..." he smirks darkly, admiring the fiery red Ferrari she allowed him to drive before getting in and driving away toward the school.

This better not be a waste of time... he thought to himself once he arrived.

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