章 : thirty one

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unedited : 31

Letting out a yawn, the blonde stretched her limbs as the duo walked in through the entrance.

"Lu-chan, you're finally here!" Levy sobbed, crashing straight into the blondes cushioned chest.

Lucky... the pinkette thought as he watched his fiancé softly stroke the bluenettes head.

"What's the matter, Lev-chan?" Lucy asks, as her best friend wipes her tears.

"S- Some girl just confessed to Gajeel a- and he said yes!" She sniffed.

"Nani?! Are you sure?"

"Hai, I saw them! And she even hugged him..." she pouts, a sorrowful look on her face as she rested her head back onto the blondes chest.

It's too early for this shit... rolling his eyes, the pinkette shoved his hands in his pockets as he watched the two converse.

"I'm sure there's an explanation for this!" Lucy exclaimed, grabbing the bluenettes hand and dragging her along.

"But we can't, classes are about to start." Levy states, pulling the blondes arm to make her stop. "Plus, I want Gajeel to be happy... even if it's not with me."

"That Metalhead is happiest when he's with you, Smurfette." Natsu speaks out. "How far were you when you saw this happen?"

"I was down the hall, hiding behind a locker."

Oh, Levy-chan... Lucy facepalms along with her boyfriend.

"For someone so smart — you sure are stupid, Dwarf."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" She yelled angrily.

"Just ask Gajeel-kun directly, Lev-chan. I'm sure he'll tell you the truth." The blonde smiles as they all walked into their home room, seeing Gray and Juvia already sat talking — and by talking I mean french kissing.

"H- Hey! Y- You shouldn't do that here!" Lucy blushed, hiding her face in Natsu's arm.

"You're so bashful, Hime." Natsu chuckled. "You behave as if you haven't done that." He whispered, causing her face to turn even brighter.

"B- Because I haven't!" She yelled bashfully, her ears turning red as she covered her face with her hands.

"Hontōni? I guess we'll be busy when we get home." He smirked, however the blonde had reached her limit and fainted on the spot, steam spewing out of her ears as Natsu caught her in his arms.

Maybe I went too far... he sweatdropped, lifting her off the ground. "I'll take her to the nurse."

"How'd that even happen?" Levy questions.

"Probably the human torch being an asshole again." Gray smirked, his arm around Juvias shoulder.

"Fuck you, Frozone." Natsu retorts before strolling out of the room, making his way to the nurses office.

"Natsu-kun? What's wrong with Lucy-chan?" Lisanna asks, jogging towards them.

"To be honest, I don't know what to call it. A swoon attack?" He answered as a question.

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