章 : seventeen

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edited: 17

Combing her hand through the younger girls royal blue hair, she quietly hummed a small tune as she slowly flipped through the pages of her book.

Wendy was asleep with her head on the blondes lap, a look of content as she exhaled softly. It was Saturday morning and the second to last day she would be staying at the Heartfilia manor with her brother and sister-in-law.

The blonde decided to let her sleep in for a little longer while her fiancé went out to buy ingredients for a late breakfast, occupying herself with reading.

She had also allowed Plue in her garden for exercise, smiling when she'd hear his peculiarly cute bark as he ran around aimlessly.

"Tadaima..." she heard the pinkette mumble as he made his way through the front door with bags of whatever he brought.

"Would you like some help?" She whispered, careful not to wake the bluenette.

"No." He replied plainly as he made his way to the kitchen.

He's been a lot more distant since that day Gray joked about wanting her as his wife but didn't really think anything if it since it was normal for him to reply in simply worded responses or not talking at all.

Carefully placing a pillow under the bluenettes head, Lucy made her way into the kitchen where Natsu was making waffles as he conversed on the phone with who she believed was Gajeel. 

"Shut it, crowbar. I said I'd bring it on Monday..." he growled, cracking a few eggs into a buttered pan while the blonde catered to the waffles.

So something really is wrong... watching him sceptically as she finished off with the waffles before frying the sausages. He would always give me one or two worded replies whenever I'd talk to him.

Seeing him hang up the phone, she observed how he wouldn't even acknowledge her, confirming that he really wasn't happy with her.

Lightly tapping his bicep, she sighed. "Have I done something to upset you? And don't lie to me."

"It's nothing..." he replied as they brought the food into the dining room.

"Liar. You've been acting weird since Gray-" pausing with realisation, her lips spread into a smirk. "Oh. That's what it's about."

"Nani?" He sighed.

"You're jealous." She states smugly. "And your upset because Gray said he wouldn't mind me being his wife." His expression confirmed her theory as she watched him, probably going to wake Wendy.

"Don't test my patience, Princess." He growled in her ear as he walked past. "You belong to me and freezer face knows better than to take what's mine. I have no reason to be jealous over someone that could never compete."

Sometimes I think it's best I keep my mouth shut... she thought to herself, knowing a blush coated her cheeks.


After breakfast, Lucy had received a call from her azure haired best friend who seemed to be in a state of distress.

"He asked me out and I don't know what to do! He's like a brother to me and I already like Ga-" Stopping herself when she'd realised her mistake.

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