章 : fifteen

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edited : 15

A tranquil smile spread across her face as she strolled slowly through her unused library in search of a book to read.

It's been a while since I've come here... sighing at the thought, she stopped infront of the romance section, scanning the shelves.

"Fifty Shades of Grey..." she whispered, pulling the book out from the shelf.


"Never forget who you are, Natsu. You're the next heir to the business. You must be heartless to protect them, to protect her. Don't ever forget that." The deep voice stated through the phone.

"I understand, father..." the pinkette replied after a moment of silence.

"As my son, I must carve the path to your success and I'll ensure you prove to me that you are a Dragneel. That is all." And with those last words, his father hanged up, leaving the pinkette scowling at his phone, tempted to throw it into a wall but deciding not to.

Stripping out of his clothes, he got into the shower, feeling the scorching water rain against his skin.

Damn it! growling angrily, he punch the tiled wall, causing his surroundings to tremble at his anger.

Staying in the shower for about an hour or so, he had realised that his knuckles wouldn't stop bleeding even after he had rinsed them with water.

After leaving the bathroom in only a towel, he strolled across his room, glancing at his younger sister who was surprisingly still asleep.

Dressing into a pair of shorts, he treated his hand before leaving his room shirtless. A scowl still present on his face as he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. Feeling the cold liquid travel down his throat as he drank it in large gulps before throwing the plastic bottle away.

"I guess we can have lasagna for dinner today." He says to himself, going back up the stairs to slip on a shirt, only to realise that he couldn't find any.

"The fuck..." he whispered, hoping Wendy was in the deepest sleep possible, knowing he wasn't supposed to swear in front of her and he'd be in deep shit if his mother found out that he did.

Leaving the room, he made his way through the corridors, knowing that the blonde decided to spend her evening in the library.

"Hime, you in here?" He mumbled, looking around till he caught sight of her golden hair, her back was facing him and she seemed to be engrossed in the book she was reading.

"Oi, Hi- Hime?" He questioned, seeing her flushed cheeks and clouded eyes. Startled by his voice, she slammed the book shut and turned to face him.

"N- Natsu?!" She breathed out, avoiding eye contact with him. "W- What's the matter?"

"I can't find any of my shirts," he stated. "But I've figured out just where they've all gone." Crossing his arms, he glared at the shirt she wore, obviously his by the size of it.

"The rest of them are in the laundry." She sighed.

Just as he was about to reply, he caught sight of the book she was seemingly hiding, seeing the title and smirked mischievously as he stalked towards her.

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