章: fourteen

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edited : 14

He sat across from her,
watching her greedily devour the spaghetti bolognese in a large bowl beside her as she flipped through the pages of her book, too immersed to realise his stare.

Eating her last forkful, she carefully placed her book on the coffee table. Getting up and disappearing into the kitchen before returning minutes later with another serving of spaghetti, laying back on her stomach on the couch, picking her book back up and resumed reading from the page she left it on. This was the third time she's done that within an hour.

Where does she put it all? He questioned to himself as his eyes began to survey her body — specific aspects of her body, if you know what I mean. So that's where it goes...

Hearing a knock at the door, his thoughts were interrupted as he looked up at the blondes face, seeing that she obviously wasn't going to move.

Sighing in annoyance, he got up, opening the door to see faces he definitely wasn't expecting.

"Okāsan? What're you two doing here?" He questioned, lifting his little sister into his arms.

"Just visiting," His mother smiles before chuckling nervously. "And I need you to take care of Wendy till Sunday." She adds, causing the pinkette to look up at her questioningly. "It's about your fathers work again, I don't want Wendy around any of that."

"I understand but wouldn't it be best if I went, seeing as I am the heir-"

"-There's no need. I just want you here with your little sister, alright?"

"Yes, mother." He sighs, annoyed that she had interrupted him but stayed quiet as he led her into the living room where his lazy fiancé was still sat in the same position he'd left her in, except the bowl was now half empty.

"Lucy-nee!" Wendy yelled excitedly, jumping out of the pinkettes arms to race over to the oblivious blonde who's mouth was filled with spaghetti.

"Wendy-chan?" She questioned, struggling to talk with her mouth full before looking up to see his mother stood beside him with a smile on her face.

Choking on her food, she immediately sat up and placed both the bowl and her book on the table before getting up to greet her mother-in-law.

"Aunt Deena? It's good to see you." She chuckled nervously, completely forgetting that she was only dressed in a pair of shorts, fuzzy socks and one of Natsu's shirts. "What're you two doing here?" She questions, kneeling to pull Wendy into a hug.

"Wendy will be staying with us for a while." Natsu informs her before going upstairs to put her bags down.

"Just till Sunday which is only five days from today." Grandeena smiles, calling Wendy over for one last hug. "I'll leave her in you care then, keep her safe, make sure she eats her veggies and does her homework, okay?"

"Of course! And we're going to have lots of fun, right Wendy-chan?" Lucy giggled, tickling the blue haired four year old.

"Aye sir!" She grins, jumping around excitedly. "Bye-Bye Mama!" Wendy giggles, giving her mother one last hug.

Waving goodbye, the blonde walked her future mother-in-law to the door, waiting for her chauffeur to drive away before closing the door and turning towards the bluenette standing beside her.

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