章 : sixty one

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unedited : 61

Jolting awake, the blonde heard her phone ringing and groaned.

"Nat. Natsu!" She shakes her boyfriend till he wakes up.

He was laying directly on her with his face nuzzled into her neck so she had to ask him to reach for her phone since she couldn't move.

"Hello?" She answered tiredly, checking the time which said 11:23 AM.

"What do you mean she's gone?" Lucy questions worriedly, sitting up.
Natsu perks up hearing the distress in her voice so the blonde put it on speaker.

"Erza left... I went to her house earlier and there was nothing there. It was so empty and quiet like no one was living there at all." The whitette sobbed on the phone. "She won't even answer our calls."

"But why would she just leave like that without saying anything?" Lucy asks, her hand anxiously stroking Natsu's hair as he laid on her chest with his arms wrapped around her. "What if somethings happened to her."

"Guys..." Levy mumbled and the blonde then realised it was a conference call. "I didn't want to mention is because I didn't think it was important but J-nii texted me looking for Erza."

"Jellal?" Lucy asks. "Do you think he has something to do with her disappearing like that?"

"I- I don't know." Levy replies. "I asked but he won't tell me anything."

"J- Juvia thinks Erza left to get away..." Juvia mumbles.

"What do you mean?"

"Juvia's known Erza for years... and she's never been truly happy here. Juvia thinks that's why she's left. Juvia just wished she'd get to say goodbye."

Everyone sat in silence, listening to Juvia try to cry quietly, her hand most likely around her mouth to prevent anyone from hearing it.

"M- Maybe we should wait." Lucy suggests, tears prickling her tear ducts. "Juvia is probably right about Erza needing to get away which means she probably needs time to herself for right now and she'll call us when she's ready?" She asks with uncertainty. She couldn't understand why Erza would just disappear like that.

They all knew she was moving away with her mother but to the extent of leaving while avoiding everyone? The blonde was upset, very upset but she could sympathise with wanted to get away for a while which is why she suggested they'd wait.
She just hoped that would be the right decision to make...


It's been a month and a few weeks since anyone's heard from Erza.

They were now third years and in their last year of school.

They tried asking around but everyone presumed she was in higher education or following her mother's footsteps as a famous Fashion designer.

It was getting harder for everyone to ignore she wasn't there, no matter how late she joined their friendship group and it seemed like she didn't even go to Crocus where she said she would.

But why would she lie? That was a question left unanswered.

It was now the middle of October now, Halloween slowly around the corner.

"Maybe we should do something." Levy suggests, breaking the silence as they all quietly watching a movie and eating.

"And do what, Smurf?" Natsu asked, feeding Lucy a spoon of rice.

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