章 : nine

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edited : 09

Sat in his seat, she gazed out of the window at the calm spring day.
She knew that there was still a possibility he wouldn't come but she hoped that by asking Gray to ask him, she might have a chance.

However, the bell had already rung and there was still no sign of him, even though he wasn't really the type to be on time.

Sighing disappointedly, she wanted to ask about the rumour she had heard recently, hoping it wasn't true.

Does he really have a- She thought to herself, however was interrupted by a voice calling out to her.

"Y-Yes sir!" She squeaked, seeing her teachers annoyed expression.

"I asked if you would kindly go back to your seat," He sighed, turning back around to continue the lesson.

"Hai..." she sighs, getting up and walking to her desk a few seats down.

"You may go sit down now, even though I wasn't expecting you for another week." Hearing the teachers words, she instantly looked up to see the boy she had been looking for.

"Natsu-kun..." she whispered, watching the pinkette as he strolled toward his desk, sat down onto his chair and stared out the window.

She could tell he didn't want to be there and also knew it was probably her fault why he was.

She couldn't stop staring at him as the teacher continued to explain their next project, not even when the bell rang to dismiss them all till she watched the ravenette walk over to him, realising they were having a small conversation before they both walked out.

"Lis-chan? What's the matter?" A girl with eyes the colour of the ocean had asked.

"Oh, Nanimonai Juvia." She sighs, getting up and walking out of the classroom with her friend following close behind.

Where could he have possibly gone? She thought to herself, walking along the corridors till she heard familiar voices.

"You guys went on a date?" She heard Gray question.

"If that's what you wanna call it..." Peeking around the corner, she watched their conversation, hoping she wouldn't be caught.

"She asked me in the morning and got all excited when I said yeah." Natsu shrugs, pulling out his phone to check if she had messaged him.

"So what did you guys do?" The ravenette smirks. "Go on a romantic walk?"

"No, we went to an amusement park but I won't lie, it was kinda fun..." Natsu smiles, remembering their time together.

"Are you actually smiling?" Gray asked in shock. "Who the hell are you and what have you done with that flame brain?!"

"It's me, idiot." Hitting the ravenette on the head, Natsu decided to stand up and stretch before shoving his hands into his pockets as he began to walk away after seeing a strand of silver hair.

"Jheeze... no need to get physical." Watching them turn another corner, Lisanna stood there for a little while longer, processing exactly what they had said.

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