章 : three

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edited : 03

After their minor flirtatious conversation, the duo didn't really speak with one another unless they'd occasionally leave their rooms at the same time or when they'd look up at each other while in the hallways or the dining room but they've been doing that for a week.

The blonde was currently struggling to pull her shirt over the large mounds that hung from her chest.
She had been quietly cursing to herself as she thought of other ways to fit her shirt on.

"V- Virgo!" She yelled, hoping the maid had heard her.

"Need help?"

"That would be ni- ahh! W- What are you doing in here?!" She screamed, hoping no one thought she was being murdered or something.

"Your door was open and you look like you need help..." he answered plainly, shoving his hand in his pockets as he surprisingly kept his gaze on her face.

"W- Well then could you help me?" Her face felt like it was on fire as he assisted her, happy he didn't start making fun of her because of her overly large breasts.

"A- Arigatō... Natsu." she blushed before walking over to her walk-in closet, picking up a pair of sandals.

"So, where are you going?" He asked, taking a seat on her bed as he watched her put on her shoes.

"I'm going to meet a friend of mine." she answered, styling her hair into a high ponytail.

"No offence but I didn't know you had any friends."

"None taken, She's the only friend I have that's the same age as me..." she smiled, pulling her phone off the charger.

"Chottomatte! Give me your phone..." he mumbled, holding out his hand.

"Ok? Naze?" She asked, watching him as he began typing into her phone.

"Nanimonai, stay safe..." he mumbled, handing back her phone as he walked out.

Weirdo... she thought to herself before leaving the house.

"Lu-chan~!" The blonde had been sat in a cafe waiting when she heard a voice call out her name.

"Lev-chan~!" She giggles, getting up to hug her excited friend.

"I haven't seen you for a while, I'm happy to see you're doing just fine..." Lucy smiles sweetly, watching the small bluenette take a seat across from her.

"So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?" Levy asked once the waitress place down their orders.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm going to be attending public school..." she blushed timidly when the bluenette simply stared at her.

"What school?" She asked.

"Fiore High..." Lucy answered, fiddling with a strand of her long golden hair.

The smaller girl let out a loud squeal, disrupting the other customers with the volume.

"Levy-chan! People are staring!" The blonde whisper yelled, looking around at the multiple faces that were staring at their table.

"Gomen but I'm so happy! You finally get to go to school and it's the same one I go!" Levy smiled contagiously, causing a small smile to creep upon Lucy's lips as well.

After Levy's outburst, the duo stayed in the cafe till it began to get dark out, bidding farewell to each other as they went.

However as the blonde began her journey home, she noticed a man had been following her since she left the cafe. She knew better than to scream and run so instead walked into the nearest shop, purchasing a pack of sweets as she took her phone out her pocket and opened her contacts, ready to call Loke to come and get her but instead froze when she saw a contact she didn't know she had.

After a while of pondering, she pressed the dial button and held it up to her ear, hearing it ring a few times before they answered.

"H- Hello..." she whispered. "I n- need your help..." she was beginning to grow paranoid by how the man was stood in an alleyway across the street, obviously waiting for her to leave.

"Where are you?" The person on the receiving end had asked.

"I- I'm in the supermarket closest to the house, t- there's a man that's been following me since I parted from my friend a- and I think he's waiting for me to leave..." she felt so scared — so helpless that she had to call someone to get her. She knew how to defend herself so why did she call him anyway? A question she had no answer to.

"Hime..." hearing the familiar nickname, she turned around to see who was waiting by the entrance.

"N- Natsu..." she sighed in relief, walking over to him.

"I thought I told you to stay safe?" He grumbled irritably before pulling her closer to him, taking hold of her hand as he walked out of the store.

She didn't dare make eye contact with the eyes staring at her from the alleyway as she gripped the pinkettes hand a little tighter, taking the chance to stare at his tanned hand that entangled with her own, admiring just how well they fit together.

"Natsu?" She whispers, staring at the back of his rose pink spiky hair. "C- Can we be friends? Since we'll probably be together for a while, I- I think it would be better for us to be comfortable with each other..." she'd never felt so shy in her life, she didn't think that asking someone to be her friend was so hard.

Ok..." He answered.

"N- Nani?" She questioned, obviously shocked by how quickly he answered.

"I'm not repeating myself..." he spoke, glaring at the street in front of him. "But I do think it would be a good idea since we did both agree to the proposal."

I didn't... she thought to say, however kept her mouth shut because even if she did have a choice — she'd probably agree if it were for the sake of her family. She'd sacrifice her life just to see them happy, something her loving parent already knew after an incident when she was younger.

"When I join your school, what exactly am I supposed to say when people begin to ask what I am to you since I doubt you'd want people to know we're engaged." she hadn't even realised that she subconsciously knew they'd probably be together throughout the school year.

"And why wouldn't I?" He asked, keeping his head straight as the mansion began to come into view.

"I-I just thought that if they knew you were engaged to me then you'd lose your popularity." and she hated the feeling of guilt when she knew something was her fault.

"I don't really care about my popularity but if it means that much to you then I'll tell them you're my girlfriend..." which wasn't the answer the blonde had expected, she was prepared to hear him say they had to act like enemies or strangers to each other like in the books she read but she never would have thought he'd bring up that idea.

"H- Hai..." she didn't even know how to reply to it, her face felt like it was burning which meant she was probably the same color as his peculiar pink hair at that moment.

"But for now, how about we think of an excuse for when your mother asks why you took so long to come home, I doubt she'd want to hear that you were being stalked by some creep." he deadpanned, his usual empty gaze was now fixated on the huge front door in front of them.

"I guess your right..." lucky she already had an excuse ready and waiting.

"I lost track of time and ended up staying out for too long, I knew you'd be worried so I called Natsu to walk with me so I wasn't alone..." was her answer when her parents had asked. It wasn't a lie but neither was it the truth, she simply cut out the stalking part of the story so her mother didn't end up having a heart attack.

"Alright, well get to bed because we'll be going over to Natsu's school tomorrow morning so we can confirm your enrolment." Kissing her parent goodnight, She walked up the stairs followed by the pinkette who hadn't said anything since they arrived.

"I admire how much you didn't lie to them..." he mumbled before walking into his room, closing the door softly behind him.

"Goodnight Natsu..." she whispered before doing the same.

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