章 : thirteen

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edited : 13

Getting out of the shower, she stood in front of her large vanity mirror with a sharp look on her face as she let go of her towel, allowing it to fall aimlessly to the white tiled floor.

Glaring challengingly at her reflection, she retrieved all the equipment she needed, picking up the first items; waterproof foundation and a beauty blender before painting her neck with make up, hiding the large marks that coated her clear skin from her collarbone all the way to her chin which were the only ones that may have been visible to anyone around her.

Pulling on her underwear, she sighed softly in relief because of how well she hid the many love bites which covered her fair complexion before taking her uniform off the hangers to put on.

"Ne, Plue? What do you think?" She asked excitedly, swirling in her pleated skirt.

Letting out a yelp of approval, the pup danced around her with glee, seemingly just as excited as his owner.

"What should I do with my hair?" She then asked herself, walking back into her bathroom to stare at her reflection in thought.

Styling her hair into loose curls, she applied light mascara and lipgloss before standing back to admire her work.

Looking at the time on her phone, it read 6:32AM which meant she was able to make breakfast for her and the moody dragon locked in his cave.

Making her way to the kitchen, she decided to make waffles topped with strawberries and white chocolate before going back upstairs to wake up the teen.

"Natsi? Are you awake?" She knocked, however heard no answer so decided to walk in, realising it was the first time she'd ever walk into his room, she didn't even know how it was decorated.

Opening the door, she could barely see anything as she ventured further into the large bedroom, looking around for any sign of the pinkette.

"Are you even in here?" She whispered, looking around the room till she tripped over an object and fell forward, landing on what felt like a bed.

Where is that fucking lamp! She growled in thought, feeling around for anything that felt lamp-like till her hand landed on something soft but muscular like an arm.

"Natsu? Can you get up?" She pouts, rubbing and tapping his arm — well, what she thought was his arm.

She continued to rub his 'arm' till she heard a grunt like sound, freezing instantly.

"I would if you'd stop that..." he groaned, turning on a light.

The blondes eyes almost popped right out of socket at the pinkettes face. His cheeks were flushed and he seemed to be sweating as he let out short breaths in what could only be described as pleasure.

"Natsu?! Are you ok? Are you sick?" She asked both worriedly and cluelessly, rubbing his 'arm' comfortingly.

"I'll be fine when you get off my dick." His voice raspy from just waking up.

Eh? She questioned, her expression blank from confusion as she looked down at her hand.

All colour drained from her face as she let out a loud scream and jumped off his bed, crawling into a corner and hiding her vibrant red cheeks.

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