章 : forty seven

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unedited : 47

Stepping off the plane, she looked around while exhaling softly as she walked forward, her suitcase rolling steadily behind her while a group of six men struggled to hold two briefcases each.

"I'm home, Nee-san..." Her lips spreading into a bright smile as she looked up at the sky, curly dark blonde hair flowing calmly through the wind.


"Nnkt!" The blonde sneezes cutely, rubbing her eyes and looking up at the sky through the window from her place between the sleeping pinkettes legs. "I wonder..."

Hearing a knock, the blonde stood up and stretched before walking towards the front door, opening it to see her short best friend accompanied by Gray.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Gray smiled as both him and the bluenette walked in.

"Hey, guys." Lucy smiles. "Is there a reason why you're here at nine in the morning? — not that I'm complaining though." She asks, watching Levy push Natsu's legs off the sofa so she could sit down — waking him up in the process.

"What the fu-"

"-Good to see you too, Grinch." Levy grinned cheekily as he glared angrily at her.

"Don't interrupt me like that, stupid smurf. It won't end well for you."

"Oh? How so?"

"Ask Hime." He smirked.

"No thanks, I don't swing that way." Scrunching her nose in disgust.

"What way?" Gray asks confusedly.

"The Natsu way." She replied with the most serious voice they'd ever heard, causing Gray to laugh.

"Why you-"

"-Should we let Juvia-chan inside? She's been out there this whole time." The blonde interrupts her moody boyfriend, who glared angrily at her.

"Scary... your girl is a committed stalker." Levy giggled, nudging Gray.

"I'm so used to it that I ain't even surprised anymore." The ravenette sighed, watching the bluenette walk over to the front door and opening it.

"Huh?! Is that Gray and Lucy making eye contact?!" She gasps dramatically, a blur to blue instantly flying past her.

"Love rival!!!!" She screeched, jumping onto the blonde which caused them both to drop to the ground.

"J- Juvia! It was a joke! A joke!" Lucy yelled, the ravenette trying to pull her off the blonde as Levy laughed so hard, tears streamed down her cheeks. "Why didn't you use your own fucking name as bait?!"

"That's enough, Juvia!" Gray frowns, causing his blue haired girlfriend to freeze on the spot.

"Is Gray-sama angry at Juvia?" She sniffed, tears welling up in her eyes as he pulled her off Lucy.

"No but you gotta stop with this love rival stuff, no one can take me away from you." He sighed. "Don't you trust me?"

"Of course, Juvia trusts Gray-sama! She loves Gray-sama!"

"Then stop attacking every girl you see me with, okay?"

"Gomenashai~!" She cried, wrapping her arms around her raven haired boyfriend.

"Oh, Juvia~" Lucy sniffed, wiping a stray tear from her eyes as she watched the emotional scene.

"You've got to be joking..." Levy says in disbelief.

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