章 : ten

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Walking down the stairs, she yawned softly, deciding to get a glass of water however stopped at the sight of the pinkette who was sat comfortably on the couch.

"Aren't you going back again today?" She asked, referring to the school.

"Nope, I'll go back when you start." He mumbled, occupied by the phone in his hand.

"I see..." she replied. "Would you like some breakfast?" She then asked, stood at the entrance of the large kitchen.

"As long as you don't poison me..." he smirks, aware that she was scowling without even having to look at her.

"Baka..." she whispered to herself, walking over to the fridge to start breakfast. She decided to simply make eggs, sausages and pancakes, placing a bowl of fruit on the table before calling the pinkette.

"What type of witchcraft did you use to make this so good?" He asked, shoving the pancakes into his mouth before freezing completely, remembering his mother's warning not to eat so recklessly out of his home.

"You eat like a starving pig." She giggles, taking a sip of her tea before continuing to eat her breakfast.

He was quite surprised by her unfazed manner towards his eating style before also continuing to devour the rest of his food.

"Got any plans for today?" He asked, they had finished breakfast not too long ago and were now both in the blondes room.

"Well, the weather is getting warmer so I was thinking of going to get ice cream if you'd like to come with me." The blonde answers, getting up to walk into her closet.

"Su-" feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket, he took it out and looked down at it. Seeing the caller ID, he sighed heavily before leaving her room after mumbling that he'll be back.

"What?" He asked, answering the phone.

"C- Can we meet? I wanna talk to you."

"There isn't anything to talk about so no." He growled, ready to press the red button.

"Chottomatte! Onegai... this is the last time."

"Fine." He sighed before hanging up without letting the person on the receiving end reply.

Taking a shower and brushing his teeth, he decided to wear a white hoodie with blue jeans and his white airforces before thinking of a way to tell the blonde he needed to go somewhere.

"Hime? Something came up so how 'bout we go later?" He asked, walking into her room.

"I can't do up the back of this." She whines, stood in her bathroom as she struggles to zip up the back of the white dress she was trying to wear, not hearing what the pinkette had said. 

"I think it's because of those big melons hanging off your chest," He smirked, pointing at her boobs which almost looked like they were suffocating. "Just wear something else." He sighed, disappearing into her closet before coming back out holding a pink dress and white jacket with plain white vans. "Here." He sighed, taking a seat on her bed as she redressed herself inside her bathroom, petting the white dog that had jumped onto his lap.

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