章 : sixteen

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edited : 16

"You must be heartless to protect them, to protect her. Don't ever forget that."

His fathers words followed him into his dreams, causing an early awakening at 4:11AM.

Unable to fall back to sleep, he looked over at the one beside him, wondering where the other had disappeared to.

Slowly getting up, the pinkette tiptoed out of the room, down the stairs and into the kitchen but realised that she wasn't there so decided to look around every other room in the house, growing puzzled when he still couldn't find his blonde fiancé.

The only other place would be... he thought to himself, looking at the glass door leading to the garden.

"Luce?" He whispered, seeing her sat on the ground as she looked up at the sky.

"Oh, It's you." She says, turning to look at him with a smile. "Couldn't sleep?" She questioned.

Nodding in response, he took a seat beside her, looking up at the star filled sky.

"I usually come out here when I can't sleep..." she whispered, a look of admiration in her eyes. "It's beautiful... just like you're eyes."

Chuckling lowly, he looked over at her. "That was so cheesy."

"I know." She grinned. "But it's true... you're eyes are almost like the sky, sometimes they sparkle — sometimes they don't, sometimes they're cloudy or sometimes they're dull." She explains. "But that's what makes them so prepossessing."

"Are you saying that you find my eyes attractive?" He grins sceptically, watching her move closer to him.

"Just take the compliment." She blushed, pouting at his teasing smile.

"Well, then..." he started, turning her to face him. "Thank you for the compliment, Hime." Feeling his lips press against her cheek.

"You're welcome, Natsi." She giggles, seeing a hint of annoyance in his alluring green eyes.

"You just love annoying me, don't you?" He sighed before turning away from her, ignoring her flabbergasted expression.

"N- Nani? Where's the reaction I wanted..." she mumbled more to herself than him.

"And what reaction were you hoping for?" He questioned.

"Nanimonai..." Sighing disappointedly before gazing up at the sky.

Looking at her in the corner of his eye, he watched a small smile spread across her lips as her golden hair blew gently with the warm spring breeze.

Deciding to lay his head on her lap, he ignored her startled breath as he sighed comfortably, his eyes closing when he felt a hand comb gently through his spiky pink hair.

They wouldn't trade this moment for anything from the soft grass tickling their skin to the glowing moon and shining stars watching over their sleeping figures. It was... magical.


Waking up the next morning, the blonde found herself in her bed, confused since she remembered falling asleep in the garden.

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