Chapter 41

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Sophia's POV

"You're going to kill Antonio, and you have to make sure he's dead."

"Okay," I nod

"As many times as you can shoot him, just do it." My dad emphasizes

Leaving the mafia after being briefed I head out ready to kill Antonio.

Cole and I had a fight today, and I'm still unsure on whether to call him or not.

Cole and I have a sort of arranged marriage kind of thing. My father needed a stronger mafia backing so he fixed a wedding between I and Cole. I don't mind because who wouldn't want Cole Wilson but Cole didn't want me and still doesn't want me. All our arguments are based on the fact that he doesn't want any romantic involvement with me and I am trying my best to change that. Our wedding is still a bit far but we're engaged and living together.

"What are these other men doing here?" Dad didn't tell me other people are tagging along to help me kill Antonio

Hitting Antonio three times I flee the scene not before noticing one of the men is from Salvador's mafia.

Walking into my dad's Mafia I approach the secretary

"Where's my dad?"

"He's in his office with his associate,"

"Okay, thanks" I nod leaving for his office

Raising my hand to knock his office door I pause half way overhearing his conversation.

"Thomas, I just got information that Salvador's men are also at the venue where Sophia is going to kill Antonio,"

"They will not see her," My dad convinces the other man

"Of course they will! And you know Salvador is going to be pissed when he finds out we killed Antonio without his permission."

"He won't,"

"Well, I hope Sophia doesn't know Salvador isn't in this, you know how she can be with things like this,"

"She doesn't know and she won't find out," My dad replies

I can't believe my dad would do this, Salvador promised us so much and my dad just betrayed him!

Not wanting to hear any more of their betrayals I storm into the room my breathing heavy.

"How could you do this?" I question and my dad stands up wide eyed

"Sophia, Listen to me,"

"No! Salvador promised us so much and you betrayed him! You're right I'd never take this news lightly! You know how I feel about betrayal!"

"Sophia listen," My dad implores me

"No! Dammit! I'm telling Salvador right now! Killing Antonio isn't worth what Salvador is offering us!"

"I'm leaving!" I yell turning around and walking away

"Sophia!" My dad calls after me

"I'm telling Salvador!" I yell back

"You're gonna regret this!"

"I don't care!" I fire back

I might not know how to get to Salvador but I definitely have to, my dad betrayed him, me, us the whole mafia!

Salvador deserves to know my father did this.

Hitting the accelerator hard the car goes at full speed and I hear the sound of something. A bomb! A mother freaking bomb!

Swerving left right, I lose control of the car and I jump out rolling onto the floor. The car blows up right next to me before flying of the cliff and I find myself holding onto the edge of the cliff trying to get back up. My hand slips and I fall into the water. Splashing everywhere I finally give in to the darkness. I feel myself being pulled but I soon drown into darkness.

Well well well at least now we have a backstory on what happened to Sophia ;)

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