Chapter 53

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Davina's POV

Cole jetted out of London a few hours after leaving the hospital last night and I pack the last of my things before heading to the airport.

I'm still shaken by last night's events and I don't know if Cole is gonna do anything about it.

I watch as the jet ascends into the sky and England slowly fades in the clouds. I land in New York a few hours later and I am exhausted.

The drive to Philly is smooth and when I get home the house is eerily quiet. I press the bell and no one opens up. I press it again. No answer.

Pulling out my phone I realize it's dead. Shit.

The sound of a speeding car makes me snap my head up and Martin walks out of his car, his eyes looking around wildly.

"Davina," He runs up to me

"Did anyone answer?" He asks me

"No, what's going on?" I question my eyes frantic

"I..I've been trying to get through Sandra since last night, I went to New York,"

"What are you saying?" I ask my voice shaking

"We have to break the door," He tells me ignoring my question, and kicking the door multiple times but it doesn't budge.

"I think I have some hairpins" I open my suitcase getting the hairpins and attempting to pick the lock.

The door clicks open and my heart almost jumps out of my chest.

The sitting room is oddly organized. Martin pulls out his gun and he nods at me before we head upstairs together. The house making me feel queasy. 

"Shit! Shit!" I scream pulling at my hair

"What the hell," Martin mutters

Sandra's dead body lays on the floor her eyes rolled back with a pool of blood around her and all over her clothes.

Martin uses the gun to turn her head to the other side.

I check for a pulse and I look at Martin before he speaks up

"She's dead."

A piece of paper on her jeans grabs my attention I grab it reading it

Well...Well... No one keeps a secret better than you but I'm better at finding them...Your son looks a lot like Antonio. He's very safe. –S

"Martin," I breathe heavily and I run up to Carlos's room and it is empty, I check my room yelling his name around the house.

"This is bad," Martin yells "You can't stay here, we don't know if he has eyes on the house,"

"Davina!" He shakes me while I'm curled up on the corner of the floor shaking

"Carlos is gone!" I yell running around the house frantically and screaming his name.

"I'll get someone to get rid of that body and come get your stuff," Martin rushes out 

"Right now We.Have. To.Leave." 

Avenging Antonio  *Editing*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora