Chapter 34

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Cole's POV

Tanya is asleep while the rest of us pile in the living room, the thick air hanging above us. No one knows what to say or what to do. Austin's hands are gripped together tightly his eyes focused on the table. Dad is reclined on the chair staring off into space and Mom is staring at all of us while Aspen is lost in her own world.

My dad clears his throat and we all look up at him.

"We need to find that boy," My dad says calmly and I can already imagine all the things he's going to do when he gets hold of Max.

Austin taps away on his phone before looking up at all of us.

"Description?" He asks me and I describe what I can from him and also the name of his mafia.

Dad becomes more infuriated on hearing the cheap mafia he comes from.

"How could you let someone so cheap get so close to your sister?" My dad yells

A few minutes later after my dad has calmed down my Mom speaks up.

"What about the baby?" my Mom questions softly

"She's not keeping it!" Austin barks

I'm cornered between letting my sister decide or just getting on with it.

"She definitely isn't," My dad reassures

"What if she wants to?" my Mom frowns

"She's not allowed to," My dad states

"I'm gonna crush that guy's head so hard he's gonna regret ever touching her," Austin roars

I sit back in the chair, calmly hoping Tanya agrees to all of this.  

Making all the preparations for catching Max and destroying his mafia, Mom and Aspen head over to the kitchen to make us lunch.

Austin joins Tanya in her room where she's napping while dad is in his own room. I'm seated in the living room hoping Tanya would agree because I'm pretty sure Austin might result to force. Standing up I head over to Tanya's room stopping when I hear voices.

"Tanya, I'm gonna need you to remove that thing from your stomach,"

"It's not a thing!" Tanya defends

"Whatever it is, please just get rid of it,"

"No! How could you think of something like that?! That's murder,"

"Technically and I've done that many times, so it doesn't make a difference,"

"But this is a baby," She emphasizes

"Please," He begs

"No, I can't,"

"Your boyfriend isn't even a good person! He's just a piece of bullshit so why keep a piece of him?"

"This baby is also a piece of me!"

"Tanya please you can have many other babies with the right guy but this baby, It can't find happiness here, we're all gonna hate it knowing it's his father who made you run away,"

"Don't blame Max, It's your fault you never let me do what I wanted," She huffs

"Besides Max is a good guy, he just lost control,"

"Are you serious right now?" Austin scoffs "He was gonna kill you!"

"I'm sure he has an explanation!"

"You're not in your right senses,"

"Does that mean I can keep my baby?"

"No." Austin replies bluntly "You're gonna remove that thing."

"No, I'm not."

"Don't push this Tanya," He warns

I knew Tanya wasn't gonna agree to this, Dad is gonna be pissed but Austin is more pissed.

"I'm not removing this baby and there is nothing you can do about it."

"I'm gonna let you stay in here until you come back to your senses," Austin replies and I quickly head back downstairs patiently waiting on the couch.

A little while later Austin comes downstairs with a deep frown on his face and he pulls out his phone typing furiously

"What did you do to her?" I ask and his eyes narrow at me

"I locked her up since she refused," He shrugs

"Why would you do that!" I yell, Mom and Aspen rush out staring at both of us confused

"Because she refused to get rid of that thing!" He barks

I head upstairs along with Mom and Aspen. Tanya's continuous banging on the door makes me annoyed.

"This door is staying locked until she agrees," Austin informs us strolling to meet us.

"No way!" I yell and Dad joins us soon enough agreeing with Austin

"This door stays locked." My dad commands and my blood boils

Tanya bangs the door againpleading "Please," She cries 

"You did this to yourself!" Austin retorts

"None of you dare open the door," My father warns and he leaves along with Austin leaving my mom and Aspen stunned.

Mom starts crying and I wrap my arms around her in a comforting manner.

"Don't cry," I calm her down and Aspen places a hand on my mom's shoulder

"I don't like seeing your sister like this, It hurts me, It hurts that I can't do anything, your father isn't gonna listen."

I hug my mom tighter taking a deep breath.

"It's gonna be okay,"

A little while later mom has calmed down and I decide to head back home. I definitely can't handle my mom crying.

Sighing I rub my eyes drinking my coffee. I just hope Tanya agrees soon.

Dad never acted like this with any of us, he must be really pissed. Mom hasn't decided if she wants her to keep the baby or not, but I think she just wants her to do whatever would make her happy. 

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If you had a sibling who was pregnant would you encourage her to abort it or keep it?

Whose side are you on Tanya's or Austin's?

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