Chapter 56

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I walk back into the house, blinded by rage I make my way to Jason.


I slap him hard and he looks at me confused before I slap him again. Michael pulls me back to stop but I remove my hand from his grasp.

"You...are the worst brother anyone could ever ask for," I heave 

"What's going on?" my dad questions

"Carlos was kidnapped," I state

"And you know who made that possible?!" I turn to all of them my eyes brimming with tears "Jason,"

"What I-"

"Did you or did you not meet with Salvador on your wedding day after the shoot out,"

"Who's that?" Micheal questions

"I did," Jason replies and I slap him again

"He told me he was an ally and that he was going to help me get you out of that dirty business,"

"Could you be any more stupid!" I cried out

"How did you meet him?" Michael demands

"It doesn't matter right now!" I cry out "He's the reason my son is gone!"

"Vinnie, I swear-"

"Shut the hell up," I glare at him "You ruined everything I've ever had, you jeopardized my safety and that of my son,"

I slap him again and my family tries to hold me down while Jason protects himself.

"I wish you were never born," I spit out 

"Davina!" my dad calls out and I ignore him

I punch him in the face "Do you wanna know how I feel right now huh?!" I yell

I drag him by the colar taking him outside and everyone is trying to calm me down

"Shut up!" I yell turning to them

"Hey!" Michael warns and I ignore him 

"You are not my brother," I stare him down as his eyes tear up "You're not him," 

"I swear I'm sorry, I didn't know, I just went for a walk and a car came up to me,"

"I don't give a fuck! You blamed me for ruining your wedding and this is your pay back? you decided to ruin my life?"

"I hate you!" I slap him "I hate you" I yell even louder slapping him again

Martin steps in front of me holding my hand

"Leave! Just Leave!!!" I scream my lungs almost giving out as Martin moves me out of Jason's sight 

My dad and Michael speak to him and he leaves with vanessa.

My mom walks up to me crying wrapping her arms around me "I'm so sorry, I know we will find him,"

Ivie comes over to give me a hug too and mom continues crying while I'm staring into space. Everyone around me rushes to my mom and I tune into the noise to see my mom on the floor.

"Mom?!" I yell wide eyed running over to her

"Call an ambulance," I tell Martin and he nods 

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