Chapter 57

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The ambulance arrives shortly and we're all tailing the ambulance to the hospital.

"She's going to be fine," the doctor smiles "She's just really stressed she'll need a lot of rest, Don't do anything that would make her stressed because at the moment her health is fragile,"

I rub my eyes letting the doctor's words sink in. I bite my lip my breathing erratic and I squeeze my hands gritting my teeth, I feel like I'm being pushed over the edge.

"Ivie, Michael take care of mom, I can't be here right now," I tell them and I leave with martin

"Are you okay?" he asks me

"I need a drink," I sigh as he starts the car leaving for the hotel


The bottle of whiskey is almost finished and martin has been trying to persuade me to stop.

"You know I and Cole had sex," I laugh drunkenly

"Pretty obvious," he rolls his eyes

"It was good," I comment

"I don't need to know how it went," He sighs "We gotta start working on how to find Carlos, we should start by asking Jason questions,"

"Jason? Fuck him he's not my brother anymore," I laugh falling off my chair and sitting on the floor

"Jeez stand up," Martin sighs standing up to help me sit

"You know what I want to do? I wanna die, it's the best thing right now," I slur giggling

"At least I'll be happily rotting in my grave, It would be so much fun if I died!" I laugh "I'd be happy in my grave and no one would blame me for being closed up or all that shit!" I mean it's not my fault "I lost my husband just a year after marriage, I'm fucked," I laugh pouring some whiskey into my cup and Martin grabs the bottle and cup

"Enough, Let's go back to the room," He tells me and I stand up stumbling

"I'm as good as dead! I'm a bad mother!" I yell laughing maniacally

"Shh people are watching," he drags me outside of the hotel bar and I notice it's raining

I step into the rain making splashes with the puddle of water giggling and Martin folds his arms giving me a small smile


We both make puddles together and he stares at me laughing

I laugh so hard that I start crying again. The things whiskey does to me.

"Davina De La Rosa has failed her husband!" I cackle "I lost my own son because I was too busy sleeping with someone!" I yell laughing raising my face up to the rain

Martin puts his hand on my shoulder looking at me and I hug him tightly crying

"I did fuck up this time and I was close to getting him, I sealed the deal with The Walkers," my voice comes out muffled

"You did?" He pulls me back to stare at me wide-eyed and I nod

"That's great! We can ask them for help!" He tells me  "Let's go," 

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Avenging Antonio  *Editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora