Chapter 71

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I stay still as Martin ties me up.

"It's loose, and there's a knife behind you," Martin manages to whisper to me

"Done," He tells Salvador

"It better be tight,"

I pick up the knife quickly cutting the rope.

"Pristreli yego," (shoot him) I tell Martin and he swiftly raises up his gun shooting Salvador on the leg. He falls to the ground groaning in pain. I stand up removing the rest of the rope from my body.

"How do we deactivate the bomb?" I demand staring at him groaning in pain

"How?!" I ask and he laughs

"I'm not telling you,"

"It's on one minute ten seconds," Martin states removing Carlos's blindfold

"Mama!" Carlos cries and I hug him "I'm so sorry,"

"We have to deactivate the bomb," Cole interjects

"How do we do it?" I yell in frustration

"Put Dave on the line," Martin tells me taking position in front of the bomb "I'll try to deactivate it in the meantime,"

"Dave! Get someone on the line who can deactivate a bomb we have fifty seconds left,"

"I can," he replies and I explain to Martin as he tries to deactivate it

"We have ten seconds left Dave, hurry!"

"Done!" Martin says and he throws the bomb, it explodes as soon as it lands on the floor and I cover Carlos's ears.

"I hope you have back up," Salvador laughs as he presses a remote, and a deafening sound rings throughout the building.

"Dave we need back up hurry!" I tell him knowing that sound means nothing good  

"I'll take Carlos, you both cover me," I tell Martin and Cole and they nod

The soldiers come outside and start shooting at us while Salvador takes cover somewhere.

"Shit! We should have taken him hostage," I groan

"Dave where's the back up!" I yell into the Bluetooth

"On their way,"

We hide somewhere out of sight as Cole and Martin shoot at them. The back up arrives soon enough and we get out of hiding moving with the back up.

I cover Carlos's ears to protect them from the loud sound of the guns. We make our way outside and the soldiers get into the truck, I watch Martin limping behind me his leg bleeding.

"I'm always by your side," He smiles reassuringly and I smile back take in his blood-stained face. 

The sound of a sniper makes me turn around and I look to the side. I look around trying to see who the sniper hit and I see Martin on the floor. 

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