Chapter 58

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Cole's POV

I had never ever been in such an explosive fight at least not one that made me almost break.

When I get home Tanya is not there and there is a note on the fridge she went out to for dinner with her friend.

I walk into my room slamming the door after me, I stare at my reflection in the mirror my eyes bloodshot and I pick up my lamp throwing it against the wall. My breathing speeds up and I'm beyond furious.

"If you have feelings for me I encourage you to keep it to yourself,"

"I don't give a fuck about what happened that night!"

I take a seat at the edge of my bed trying to control my anger but to no avail. I fling my other lamp on the mirror shattering it to pieces. We had a good time in London, she was happy, free and now she closed up again.

"Fuck," I mutter grabbing a fistful of my hair groaning

I bury my face in the pillow trying to stay calm, The sound of the door makes me wipe my tears away and I put on a smile walking out of my room

"How was your dinner?"

"It was good," She smiles and she walks up to me before frowning

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I reply too quickly

She doesn't say anything instead she gives me a hug and the longer it lasts the more the tears well up. I'd never really been in love, I was always too busy with mafia shit. I and Sophia weren't compatible, I couldn't be happy with her and I don't know why.

Davina might be closed up but I felt at ease around her, she is caring, even though she tries to hide it. She is fierce and strong, I mean she broke my arm at the party, she's a good shooter, she's kind, she helped me find Tanya.

I didn't know I had started crying until Tanya squeezed my arm

"Cole, you're making me scared you never cry like this, what happened?"

"Davina's son is missing, he got kidnapped by some other mafia as revenge,"

"Wait, hold up, she has a son?!"

"Yeah..." I narrate the whole thing that went down between us in London and Tanya listens intently, I explain how I went to meet her at the hotel and she blew up on me about Carlos and stopped me from telling her how I feel about her.

"That's intense, I can't imagine what she's going through. You said some pretty rude things to her that I don't appreciate," She tuts

"You gotta apologize," She tells me "the first time we met she was bitchy and rude, but she saved me from eloping with the wrong person, she's good but tough and you need to help her find Carlos she helped you to find me,"

"She won't let me,"

"That's her son, I think she'd take help from anyone who can provide it,"

"This isn't going to be easy," I sigh staring at the ceiling

Tanya places her hand on mine staring at me "Nothing is ever easy in the mafia,"

"Oh, Dad and Austin want to speak to you tomorrow about what happened in London," she adds

"I'll see them at the office tomorrow, they can deal with the shooter, I need to help Davina,"

"I'll be here if you need help," She smiles at me

"Thanks, T," I reply returning her smile 

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