Chapter 33

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When I open the door to my office I walk in and the whole place is tidy but dirty, the floors are dusty the room lacking air. Calling one of the boys I tell them to send someone to clean up my office immediately.

I am most certainly angry today.

Walking into the training room I summon a few people who are in charge of the mafia's dirty work.

"What the hell have you been doing here?"

"My goods have not been properly delivered,"

Picking up a gun I twirl it around my finger before making a quick shot in one of the guy's direction, he stumbles and falls to the floor.

"You seem to have misplaced your priorities, let me remind you who I am," My voice booms

Picking up a knife I tell one of the guys to stand in the target area and he gulps sweating.

Narrowing my eyes, I make for my aim hitting him with the knife on his thigh. He screams out in pain just to my satisfaction.

"This is just a warning, the next time you misplace your priorities, you're gonna be sorry you ever met me,"

Striding out of the training room I head over to my office and the leader of the Russian base meets me in my office.

"Ah, such a pleasure to know you've been very useless while I was away,"

"Sorry ma'am," He gulps shakily staring at the floor

Walking over to him I give him a hard slap on both sides and his head tilts to the floor.

"What the heck have you been doing?"

"Answer me!" I bark


I hit him across the face again and he remains silent

"Bullshit!" I curse "Now, I wanna know how all those drugs went missing,"

"The..The...goods fell of the ship before they got here due to the storm," he stutters

"Do I look stupid?!" I fume picking up my phone I dial Dave at the base back home and tell him to arrange for a new Capo here.

"Come on, let's go," I tell him and we stroll to the main base where everyone is busy working and training.

"Listen up and listen good," I command

Everyone stops their activity noticing their two bosses, confused expressions written all over their faces.

"This is a lesson to all of you,"

Pulling out my gun still looking at everyone I send three shots to their boss on the head, and they stare at his lifeless body behind me with a horrific look.

"Don't ever try to trick me out of my own business!" I yell with a firm voice

Meeting up with the owner of the goods, I apologize to him with a promise the goods will arrive tomorrow.

"I want everyone in this place searched and clean, any single fault kill them" I tell Dave

"Yes ma'am,"

"There have been lazy idiots around for too long,"

Leaving the base self-satisfied, I head back to the hotel and the driver puts my belongings in the car as we drive to the airport. It's already nine pm meaning I spent a lot of time at the mafia and I'll get home tomorrow morning.

Well it's back home for me. 

Back on the airplane my mind wanders off to what life would have been like if Antonio was still alive and met Carlos, would he be a good father? would he teach him about the mafia when he grows up?would his mother have been happy to know she has a grandson? 

These were the questions I thought of as I drifted off to dreamland. 

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Guess whose POV is coming up next?? ;) 

Who else was expecting Davina to be brutal? 

Thinking about Antonio again

The next few chapters are gonna be a bit cute ;) 

Avenging Antonio  *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now