Chapter 62

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The pillow is wet by the time I raise my head to look outside. I pick up my phone and check the time, it's a little past six. Looking around the room I see Martin's keys, picking them up before dashing for the elevator and speed walking to his car.

I get in and drive all the way to Cole's house in Gladwyne. The drive is a little over an hour and I get antsy sitting for so long. I arrive at the huge and secluded house soon enough.

I ring the doorbell tapping my foot impatiently on the floor and taking in deep breaths. The door flings open and a darker shade of brown eyes pops into view, one with beautiful ebony skin.

"Nova?" I frown "Is Cole home?"

She eyes me and I suspect Cole told her about our fight

"He doesn't live here,"

"What do you mean?" I frown "This is his father's house,"

"Exactly, he has his own house, God you don't even know he doesn't live here," 

"Can you give me his address?" I ask hoping it's not too far

"He stays at Riverview-"

"Who's there?" Cole's voice interrupts and he comes to the door opening it wider

"Davina?" his eyes widen

"Nova said you didn't stay here,"

"I don't, I came to grab a few things,"

"Can I talk to you?" I close my eyes holding my breath "Please?"

"Come in," he tells me and Nova rolls her eyes disappearing into the house a contrast to her bubbly personality the first time we met

I follow Cole and he turns around staring at me "Can we talk in my room?"

"Yeah," I shake my head a little too fast

"Okay," he replies and we climb the massive stairs to his room

The room looks empty like he doesn't stay here much, I guess he really doesn't live here.

He sits on the bed and gestures to the chair in front of the bed.

I fidget with my fingers taking deep breaths "I'm sorry...for shouting at you outside the hotel."

He stares at me his face devoid of any emotion

"Okay, I fucked up, It's just I've been alone for so long I don't know what it's like to have someone to rely on without wanting something in return."

"I've thought of a lot of things before...Carlos is the reason I'm still alive, I don't remember when I turned into this type of person who loses her temper easily and pushes people away. We met at a very strange point in my life, I am still trying to put my life together. No one still knows about Carlos except my family Martin and you. It's just....It's hard to just let go and let people in...It's like I'm betraying Antonio by being happy." The tears start to fall and I wipe them away with the back of my hand

"It took you a whole week-"

I take in a sharp breath before speaking up again "I'm sorry my sorry isn't good enough,"

"I'm sorry I hurt your feelings"

"I'm sorry I'm not used to having people genuinely care except my family,"

"I'm sorry if I sound so fucking weird right now," I attempt to laugh but it comes out as a cry

Cole turns his face away from me making a gesture towards the door "Leave."

I leave his room without saying a word, I make my way for the stairs leaving the house before anyone can notice my presence. 

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