Chapter 25

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"What did your husband say?" He inquires

"Nothing much," I shrug and he drops it.

"You never answered my text," he points out as we walk to my office

"It was deliberate."

"Wow." He mutters "Thanks for breaking my hand,"

"You're welcome," I smile at him

Cole leaves about an hour later and Martin drops by horrified by the incident at the wedding. We decide to act fast as soon as the walkers accept our deal so we can make use of their top ammunition. He notices my hand but he doesn't talk about it which I'm grateful for.

A good one week has passed and Jason hasn't tried to contact me but it doesn't bother me. My parents aren't ready to move so it's not my problem yet and apparently Jason has been out on two nights without telling Nessa, he's just cooling off, that's what I told my mom.

Feeling a bit sick today I decide to stay indoors. We're out of groceries so Sandra went to do some grocery shopping to restock. I and Carlos are having a fun time playing with his blocks and all his toys.

I know Carlos can't believe I'm staying home for the whole day, but I guess sometimes being sick can be good.

The ringing of the doorbell breaks my attention away from the coloured blocks scattered all over the floor.

"I guess she did a lot of grocery shopping," I mutter to myself

Looking through the peephole my heart starts racing my heart beating fast. The shock throws me off balance and my mind becomes jumbled up trying to think of something.

"Shit! Shit!" I curse running my hands through my hair my eyes darting everywhere.

Looking through the peephole again to be sure, the brown haired man is waiting anxiously for me to open the door.

"It's mother fucking Cole Wilson!"

Checking my phone I notice I have a scheduled meeting with him today and I slap a hand on my forehead Again! I forgot I had a meeting!

The doorbell rings again and I jump my mind swinging into action.

Carlos opens his mouth to speak and I quickly run over to him clamping his mouth shut. Grabbing him I deposit him upstairs in his room.

The doorbell rings again and I glance at the door and the toys scattered everywhere. Packing the toys in my hand I quickly dump them in a room.

"What if Carlos comes out from the room?" I mutter my eyes widen

I run back to his room and he starts crying when he sees me running around.

Oh my god! This is a disaster!

"Don't cry, I'll be back soon just stay here and be a good boy, okay?"

He nods and I look for the key to his room so I can lock him in but the doorbell rings again. Sprinting back downstairs to the door. I open the door smiling.

"Hi," I beam my face moist from the running

He eyes me before walking him and I lead him to the couch. Inspecting for any of Carlos's toys.

He shifts uncomfortably in his seat and he pulls out something from the couch.

"What-? Isn't this a toy?" He questions frowning and I gulp as he holds up the toy car


"Yeah, It's my nephew's," I reply casually

"Oh," he drops the car on the couch next to me


"But that means your family is around?"


"I don't see anyone," he frowns and I sigh

"They went out,"

"Oh, Okay,"

A scream jolts me back to reality and I know it's Carlos. Praying to myself he's alright I tell Cole to carry on.

Cole looks behind me stunned his jaw dropping.

"What..." I turn around and my eyes widen as Carlos comes up to me

"He's my nephew," I smile at Cole to reassure him "He didn't wanna go with them and he was sleeping."

Cole's eyes dart from me to Carlos and I think he belives it that is until Carlos speaks up.

"Mama there's a spider!" he hugs me and I can't help but want to whack Carlos on the head. He just fucking blew our cover!

I look over at Cole and he's eyes widen like saucers staring at me and then Carlos.

"He....He...He's your son?" he asks bewildered 

Yikes! Look who found out! 

How do you think Cole's gonna react?

Carlos is a naughty little boy for spilling his mom's secret don't you think? 

What would you do if you were in Davina's shoes?



Thanks for your patience I'm done with my exams for now and it went well. Updating the two chapters was pretty hard, I'm gonna put in some extra effort to make up for the lost time. Thanks for your patience! I love you! 


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