Chapter 13

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Davina's POV

Looking at the invitation for the third time, I blink twice before tossing it on the table.

"What's the party about?" Martin asks

"Mr Wilson is giving full mafia responsibility to his two sons, so basically it's like a coronation, I guess," I tell him

"Oh," he comments "Are you going?"

I give him an incredulous look before replying "Of course, Mr Wilson invited me besides Antonio always says one should never turn down a mafia party, it's an opportunity to form connections."

"Okay," he shrugs "Isabel called me and she said you haven't been picking up your calls..."

"I'll talk to her when she learns to watch what she says," I mutter jotting down my lunch order

"But she said she already apologized,"

"She apologized but I haven't forgiven her yet,"

"You do realize she needs you right now, she just ended things with Fabiano,"

"That is her problem, I am most certainly not a psychologist," I snap

"Davina, are you seriously saying this I can't believe you," he exclaims

"She insulted me! She insulted the relationship I have with Antonio!"

"Goddammit! He's dead! He's fucking dead! Just. Let. Go," he emphasizes each word

"You just made a big mistake, Get out I don't want to see you," I tell him my voice as cold as ice

"Davina, I-"

"Leave." I emphasize glaring at him

"When I turn around I don't want to see you still in my office,"

A few minutes of silence pass before I hear the door close. I bite my knuckles closing my eyes tight, clenching and unclenching my fists.


I decide to make a trip to the boutique after checking my wardrobe and not finding anything suitable for the event. Walking into the store I remove my sunglasses putting them in my bag. I pick out a few dresses and make my way to the dressing room before a brown-haired girl bumps into me spiling her smoothie on me.

"I'm so sorry," she apologizes attempting to help e clean up, and the smoothie stain on my dress sticks out and that's all it takes for me to crack

"Can't you hold a motherfucking cup of smoothie?!" I yelled and she jumps back

"I already apologized, no need to be rude," she rolls her eyes

"The nerve you have, you spilt smoothie on me, don't you have eyes?!" I add my anger reaching a boiling point

"All you need to do is add a little bleach and the stain is gone,"

"Thanks for the advice, such a careless fool," I eye her before purposely bumping into her and making my way to the fitting room.

"You're a crazy old lady!" she hollers after me

"Ugh, that bitch, She ruined my dress," I mutter trying to get rid of the stain in the fitting room.

Settling on a few dresses, I drive back home feeling weirdly excited about the party.

I settle on a black sequin dress which is long and has a high slit which stops mid-thigh.

The party is already in full swing by the time I arrive, everyone is mingling around and making small talk. I notice the looks some of the men send my way and almost gag, their wives are literally in front of them, still, they have no shame. 

Plastering a smile on my face, I walk up to Mr Wilson and he notices me almost immediately. 

"Davina, nice to see you," he smiles holding out his hand and I shake it firmly

"Thank you, this is a beautiful party," I smile at him meaning every word

"It's all thanks to my wife," he smiles and she walks up to me smiling

"Davina! Nice to see you," she smiles and I stretch my hand out for a handshake and instead she pulls me in for a hug leaving me shocked

"You too,"

"I must say your dress is beautiful," she smiles

"Ah...This is nothing compared to yours,"

"So modest," she laughs shaking her head

"Where is Cole," she mutters scanning the hall

He approaches us soon enough, a warm smile on his face and it is the first time I'm seeing him dressed in formal wear, a tuxedo. I tear my eyes away from him looking in another direction.

"Miss. Davina," He walks up to me smiling and my nose flares

He's doing this on purpose. I bite my tongue trying to keep myself from correcting him in front of his father. None of them seem to notice though.

"Mr Wilson," I smile shaking his hand and ignoring the warmth

"Why don't you introduce her to your siblings?" his mom smiles

I never knew he had siblings but then again it's not something you tell your business partner.

"Sure," He smiles leading the way

"This is my older brother Austin," He informs me, the man looking far more intimidating than Cole Wilson. I stealthily glance back and forth between them and Austin looks more serious between the two brothers. Not intimidated by his looks I put on a confident smile stretching my hand out to him.

"Davina," I introduce myself and he nods shaking my hand


Mr Wilson... Cole and I head over to meet his sister and a lady bumps into me.

"I'm s-" she stops mid-sentence as soon as she looks up to see who she bumped into

"You," I start and Cole interrupts me

"She's quite fond of bumping into people," he smiles "Meet my little sister Tanya,"

This lady was the same person I bumped into at the mall yesterday.

Things are about to get awkward but I know how to handle situations.  



Thoughts on Tanya's surprise? 

Think she's gonna ignore our Vinnie? 

Wanna know more about Davina's relationship with Antonio? 

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