Chapter 61

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"Fuck," Martin mutters "Throw it out,"

I open the window flinging it outside before grabbing some tissue to clean my top.

"Oh my God," I mutter my heart hammering and the tears at the edge of my eyes

My phone vibrates and I close my eyes taking a deep breath before reading the message.

No worries, it's not Carlos's heart...but it would be soon.

I suck in a sharp breath and show Martin the message.

He sighs placing his head on the steering wheel "I think he's watching us, you have to leave the country for a while,"

"What of Carlos?"

"He'll be fine, Salvador is waiting for you to attack, he's not going to do anything to him, he wants you and not Carlos," Martin points out

I take a deep breath "I'll leave tomorrow"

Martin drives around the city to make sure we're not being followed before heading for the hotel.

"Uh...I'm gonna go to my room to change okay?" He tells me

I frown "I thought we were sharing a room,"

He laughs almost toppling over "No,"

"But you're always in the room when I wake up in the morning," I respond my frown deepens

"Yeah, 'cause I come over before you wake up and I wait till you fall asleep before leaving,"

"Oh my God, I hope I don't stay up too long," my eyes widen

"Nope," he chuckles "now I need to go change, see you in a few," He tells me opening his door.

I scan the card and the door opens, I quickly wash up and change my clothes before picking up my phone.

There are a couple of messages from Michael, Jason, and Ivie. I ignore them, the door opens and my mouth drops in shock.

"How do you have the card?"

"I collected an extra from the reception, how else do you think I get here before you wake up in the morning?" Martin chuckles falling face flat on the bed


"I need to talk to you about Cole," Martin speaks up after a while 

I sigh rolling over my face backing him

"Hey look here," he throws a pillow at my back

"What?" I huff

"You have to apologize,"

"Why?" I sigh

"Because...You were rude, plus he always helps you whenever you need him without batting an eyelash, sometimes you seem to forget we also have our own mafias to run,"


"Hold on," Martin cuts me off "Look at this picture he sent to me,"

I take a look at the picture and it was one of the pictures we took in London. He sent it to Martin and the caption read 'she's happy,"

"He cares about you, he likes you but it's okay if you're not ready, the least you can do is respect his kindness and not insult him, besides he told me you didn't have any nightmares throughout the trip, that's a big deal."

"Think about it, didn't you enjoy your time in London? He helps you a lot and what do you do... You push him away, you can't keep acting like the world is the reason for Antonio's death, you have to let go at some point," Martin tells me his face serious

I back him folding my arms across my chest biting my lip trying to control my quivering lips.

I know Martin is right, Cole said it once, nothing can bring Antonio back I'll need to move on at some point but hearing Martin say it sounds too real it sounds like everyone around me is moving on too fast.

"Leave." I manage to choke out wiping away my tears

"You'll have to say sorry at some point, so swallow your pride and get to it," He tells me before I hear the sound of the door

I turn my back to make sure he is gone before burying my face in the pillow. 

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