Chapter 47

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A butler escorts me inside and into the living room which is prettier than the outside. Bookshelves line the walls-

"Hey, Miss De La Rosa right?" One of the brothers comes out from some room with a smile on his face and I recognize him as Nathan. He is pretty dressed down though a pair of jeans and a red T-shirt making me feel overdressed.

I bite my tongue as I try to correct him to say Ms. "Yes," I give him my best smile

"I'm Nathan and Mason will be out soon he's a bit busy," he smiles and gestures to the seat

"So," he beams and I wonder he sure does smile a lot for a pretty deadly mafia

His laid back attitude reminds me so much of Cole.

"Bye, babe!" A loud voice calls out and Mason walks in

"Ohh, she's here," Mason's smile grows even bigger as he tries to button up his shirt and I look away clearing my throat trying not to imagine how 'busy' he was.

"Davina," Mason snaps his fingers as if trying to recollect my name before shaking my hand and beaming "I've heard so much about your achievements, you're popular here in London," he informs me

Popular? Was I really that good to command importance here? And Antonio's mom thought I wasn't good enough! I am rising fast and I need to establish a really strong foundation before we fall. Falling is way worse than rising fast. 

"So we decided to consider your alliance, you're a pretty ruthless woman, and your tactics are impressive," Nathan comments

"And I heard you never miss a shot," Mason adds smirking "Mind if we test out that theory?"

"Nope," I grin actually starting to like Mason's attitude

We head over to their shooting range, which looks like it's outside but is actually inside. I run my hands over the guns begging me to use them.

"Wanna try those?" Mason offers "they're the latest instant kill and no noise,"

My lips curl up into a smile "Sure,"

Picking up the gun I twirl it around my fingers before aiming for the head of a dummy.

"Wow! That was perfect!" Mason claps his hand

"Impressive," Nathan says visibly impressed by my shot

After a couple more shots with the brothers, they are pretty fun by the way, we head inside for lunch as per Nathan's request.

After signing the deal with them my heart almost jumps out of my chest and I do a little dance on my way to the hotel. A permanent smile plastered on my face I skip all the way to the hotel room flinging the door open after scanning my card. Cole is seated on the bed with some papers in his hand.

"Did you get the deal?" He asks me his eyes wide

"Yes!" I squealed and he runs up to me carrying me up and I let out a loud laugh as he spins me around before letting me down.

"Congratulations," he tells me "This calls for some celebratory champagne,"

"Yes," I do a little dance and he stares at me before bursting into a fit of laughter

The champagne arrives a few minutes later with Cole and I finishing the bottle about an hour later.

We sleep off a few minutes later the whole room scattered from our drunk dancing. 

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Thank you guys soo much for 1k reads!! I'm so excited for many more achievements and I'm over joyed! Please always vote on my story it means a lot and keeps me going! Also please please share this story I love you guys thanks for all your support again! :)

So thoughts on what's going to go down next in London?? ;)  

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