Chapter 68

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"Let's go!" I yell and they run towards me

"There's some other kind of entrance outside so the soldiers went that way,"

"Stay in contact with them, they should let us know what they find,"

"There's also someone using a sniper, we need to get to the top of this building," Cole says

"Find him," I tell Cole and we split up into the weirdly structured building.

Cole takes the stairs to the top of the building and Martin and I go the other way.

"Break the door," I tell Martin

"Stay back,"

I move away from the door holding my gun in front of me and leaning against the wall. The door creaks and it opens. Gunshots are rapidly fired from inside and I take a deep breath closing my eyes before opening them and moving inside slowly shooting the soldiers.

The soldiers are all on the floor and I stare at the amount.

"Call for back up here," I tell Martin and he taps his Bluetooth

We stay put waiting for backup before busting through the second door.

More soldiers and we shoot all of them gunshots firing in different directions.

"There's a door up here and it doesn't lead to where you guys are," Cole's voice rings through the Bluetooth

"What?" I breathe heavily and a gunshot comes from behind us and I duck

"Shit! Is there another room there," I crouch behind the table and this set of Soldiers look more armed than the last one.

"Ma'am," Dave's voice comes through

"Talk to me,"

"There's nothing here, Just soldiers,"

"Shit!" I groan "Track down another location and hurry the fuck up,"

"I don't think there's anything here, this has to be a trap," Martin tells me

"Soldiers attack!" I yell and they move out firing at the new set of soldiers Gunshots fly in different directions and it ceases a couple of minutes later.

"We have to leave this place!" I tell Martin and we head out with the rest of the soldiers.

"There's a grenade!" a soldier yells and we hurry for the door as the grenade blows up behind us, gunshots coming from the front door as we get close and I fire a shot.

We head out of the building rushing into the car.

"Cole where are you?" I tap my Bluetooth 

"Cole? Cole? Cole!"

"I'm on my way," he replies smoothly and he comes out a few minutes later running towards the truck and he gets in as the driver drives off


"We're working on two other locations he should be able to get it in ten,"

"That's a lot of time wasted tell him to hurry the fuck up we don't have time to sit around,"

"Okay ma'am,"

I breathe heavily massaging my temple and I bring my hand down to see blood on it.

"First aid kit," I ask on of the soldiers and he hands it over to me

"I'll do it for you," Martin says and he cleans up the blood putting a plaster on it

"Be safe okay?" Martin tells me

"I will, Cole you too," I turn to him and he nods

"Got it!" Dave says

"You've got a location?"


Dave gives us the location and we head there. The security here is heavier and I immediately know this is where Salvador is.

"We're gonna need a distraction."

Two of the soldiers manage to get out and they throw a grenade a good distance from where the soldiers are but it is loud enough for them to hear. Most of them rush over to the scene while the rest stay put.

"We're gonna use silencers here," I tell them "Pick up more arms, this is going to be a lot more difficult,"

"Someone is gonna use a sniper," Martin says "You, you and you," he points to some soldiers "cover him till he can get to the top of the building so he can shoot from there."

"We should get the clothes of these Soldiers so we don't attract attention,"

"Yes," I nod in reply and we all get out of the truck stealthily. We kill all the soldiers in sight hiding their bodies before taking off their clothes and putting them on.

"Let's move," I tell them and we head towards the building. I make a gesture with my hand for a soldier to open the door while we get ready. He shoots the door open and there are no soldiers in sight so we blend in patrolling.

"Hey! Where are you going?" A soldier asks "You're supposed to be outside," 

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Avenging Antonio  *Editing*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu