Chapter 74

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Davina's POV

Sandra's family finally had a funeral and I and Cole attended. I felt uncomfortable there knowing she died because of me. Cole and I left about an hour later.

A good six months have passed since Martin's death. Cole made sure I never drifted off during that period. Carlos's birthday took place during those six months. Cole and Ivie helped me throw him an amazing party.

I still haven't forgiven Jason and he understands. Carlos spends most of his time with his cousins. I spend most of my time working. Carlos and I spend very little time together. I and Cole are good friends now, but we haven't decided to start anything...yet. Fabiano and Isabel are dating again.

Apparently Martin had a girlfriend before he died and he was planning on proposing to her, according to the ring she found in his closet along with his proposal speech. I instantly remember he mentioned a Naomi and she confirms she's Naomi.

She is pregnant with his child. I am a little bit mad after finding out he had a girlfriend but when she revealed she is pregnant I was happy. Although she didn't get a chance to tell Martin.

She explained to me that Martin wanted to tell me they were dating but there were too many things on my plate. I got her a house close to mine since she's pregnant and is still recovering from Martin's death, I always make sure to visit her at least every week with Cole.

I and Cole are still trying to get to know each other better despite our busy schedules. I might not love him now the way he wants me to but things can change.

Carlos stays with Michael most times since it has been hard to get a nanny. Cole and I spend the weekends together. I spend the weekdays working and I manage to squeeze in some time to check up on Naomi.

"Are you ready?" Cole questions

"Yeah," I smile picking up my bag and Cole puts my suitcase in the trunk of his car before we head to the airport for our weekend trip to California.

I'm lounging on the recliner while Cole is talking with some girl a good distance away from me and I can't make out what they are saying but the girl throws her head back, laughing. I frown and my phone rings.

"Dave, what's up?"

"Salvador is alive,"


We have reached the end of A.A! I'm so excited and sad at the same time to be leaving my characters but hopefully, we will be seeing them again soon! Thank you so much if you made it this far! Your votes really mean a lot to me.

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