Chapter 45

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"Okay so there's a bed and there's a couch," Cole informs me

"I'll take the bed you'll take the couch," I smile jumping onto the bed and sighing contently

"I guess so," He chuckles "I need to use the bathroom,"

As soon as Cole turns the knob to the bathroom I pull out my pj's from my suitcase and change into them before getting get under the soft comforter snuggling into it before letting out a loud sigh. The bathroom door clicks and I shut my eyes tight.

"Hmm, she's already asleep,"

Cole switches off the light before heading over to the couch leaving the room dead silent.

My heart thumps continuously against my rib cage and I squeeze my eyes shut trying to steady my breathing.

Slowly I drift off to sleep and my heart beats become steady my body finally relaxing.

Tossing and turning in bed I squeeze my eyes shut trying to get rid of the horrible dream and my screams. I wake up instantly my breathing ragged and my body soaked in sweat. Cole's hand on my shoulder jolts me into reality and my heart slows down a bit.

"Are you okay?" He shakes me his eyes worried and turns on the light

Ignoring him I quickly scramble from the bed "Where's my phone," I shake muttering turning the whole bed upside down searching for my phone

"What's wrong," Cole asks panicking

Picking up my phone I tap away on the screen my fingers shaking.

"Jeez, Davina what the hell is going on," He inquires his voice slightly raised

"Carlos," I mutter shutting my eyes tight, a flashback of my dream appears and I quickly open my eyes my hands shaking

"What's wrong with Carlos? Are you seriously calling him? It's eleven pm over there, he'll be asleep," He tells me rubbing my shoulders

"But," I put my hand over my mouth sobbing

"It was just a dream," He sighs "He is fine, besides if you call him now, he's not gonna be awake and neither will Sandra,"

"Someone wants to take him from me," I sob into his chest

"Shhh...No one can ever take him from you," he hugs me tight rubbing my back soothingly

"I think I'm going crazy," I sigh sitting on the bed and rubbing my temple

"It's okay to be worried," He replies and I keep quiet for a few minutes

"I can't believe I cried in front of you again," I mutter squeezing my hands tight

"Hey, It's okay to cry, you're human too, besides I think it makes a person stronger,"

I look up at him staring at his tired brown eyes.

Cole is an amazing person always helping me out and saying the right things. He was there with me for Antonio's death anniversary comforting me even though he was also in pain. He's so kind to me and knows more about me than I know about him.

"Your fiancée, what's her name?" I ask quietly and he stares at me silently

"Sophia," He looks down

"How did she die?"

He sighs taking a seat next to me and a long silence stretches between us before he replies.

"So, one day we had a fight, and then she drove out angrily and the next thing I heard was she was dead in a car crash,"

"I just wish I never fought with her," he sighs running a hand through his hair

"If you don't mind...What was it about?" I inquire slowly trying to pick the right words

He takes a deep breath staring at the ceiling "We had our marriage arranged because my father felt they would be of good use to us but her father wanted assurance that he wouldn't throw them away easily after using them for his business so they came to an agreement, We had conflicting interests she wasn't my type and she tried too hard to please me but instead it only irritated me some more, and it struck a major disagreement between us,"

"Oh..." I gulp slowly staring at him intertwine his fingers

The room is dimly light and I feel so close to him I feel like I know more about him.

" love her?" I close my eyes tight waiting for his answer and he doesn't say anything making my heart thump against my ribcage, he loved her....

Time for some pillow talk right?

Okay, so what's your favourite colour?

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