Chapter 18

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Davina's POV

A text message from my mom brings me out of my trance and I ignore it until I see the word wedding. I open the message and glance through it.


The wedding is in the next two days and yes, it's nothing fancy at all just very close friends and family. Be there, I love you.

Tossing my phone back on the table, I walk over to the washroom to do my business before leaving for the house.


"Sandra please make an order with the restaurant,"

"Okay ma'am, the usual?"

"No, the Mexican,"

"Sure ma'am," she nods before disappearing

I drop my suit jacket on the couch and saunter into Carlos's room to find him sleeping peacefully. I check my watch and it's eleven, I smile to myself and kiss his head before walking out.

My phone vibrates and I pick it up frowning when I notice it's a message from Cole.

Cole Wilson

You broke my hand :( Now I have to lie to everyone, Can't tell them you broke my hand :(

I let out a laugh and quickly slap my hand over my mouth. What in the world...Why am I laughing? I'm not some high school girl. My eyes drift back to the screen and I let out a giggle I pinch my mouth and toss the phone on the bed exiting the room to go have dinner.


Jason's wedding is in two days and I have to leave today, my mom is getting worried I won't come but I assured her I'm still on board. The driver loads my suitcase into the car and I pick up my bag.

"Mama! Where are you going?" Carlos questions

I crouch to his level giving him a small smile "To Mexico,"

"I wanna go!" he jumps

"No, you can't, stay here with Sandra and be a good boy, I'll be back before you know it," I smile at him "and you can have ice cream,"

"Yay!" he jumps happily

"miss you," he says 

"I will too," I hug him before picking up my bag and heading to the car where Jerry is waiting.

We arrive at the airport shortly and he drives to the tarmac parking the car.

"Is the jet ready?" I ask when their air hostess comes to meet me

"Yes, ma'am right this way," The air hostess leads me to my private jet which Antonio bought way before he died and I had it remodelled.


"You never told me you have a private jet!" I stare in awe dropping my suitcase on the floor staring at the magnificent structure in front of me. 

Antonio chuckles "Surprise?" he smiles

"C'mon let's go," he tugs at my hand and I reach for the suitcase but he stops me

"The air hostess will carry it," he informs me and I let go of the suitcase following him into the jet.

I explore the jet and Antonio follows suit behind me and I plop down on the bed.

"Heaven."  I sigh and Antonio lies next to me smiling

"What do you think?" he asks

"I love it!" I squeal and he laughs whilst I jump towards the window staring at the clouds.

Two strong arms wrap around me hoisting me up and I squeal as he spins me around.

"I wanna carry you too," I pout

"You can try," he laughs in amusement dropping me

Attempting to carry him, I give up panting.

"You....are........... heavy," I pant flopping on the bed

"Told you," he winks putting his two arms next to my body on the bed and his face hovering over mine.

I drag his face down to meet mine placing a kiss on his lips and he collapses on top of me.

"Oooofff, can't breathe...." I manage to get out and he laughs lightly rolling over to the spot next to me on the bed.

I stretch my hand out to meet his holding on to his pinkie.

"Don't ever leave me," I tell him

"Never, I'm with you always,"

Shutting the door to the room that once held beautiful memories and I walk back to my seat biting my lip to stop myself from crying. Once I'm sure I won't be spilling any tears I open one of the few files I came with and get down to business. After about two hours we land in Mexico, I walk out of the jet with my suitcase and the car is already waiting for me. The warm Mexican air hits me like a ton of bricks and I breathe it in sighing. 

I and Antonio left Mexico a few years back but we still have a strong base here and the mafia driver is here to pick me up. 

"Feels good to be back home," 

"Morning ma'am," the driver greets me hoisting my suitcase into the car trunk.

I give him a small nod and slide into the back seat giving orders to Dave through my phone.

 A few minutes pass and my phone rings, sighing I pick it up.

"Hi, Martin."

"You've arrived?" He asks


"I wish I could make it," He sighs

"It's fine," I wave it off "It's just a wedding, not their burial,"

"Davina!" He snaps

"What? I'm right,"

"Someone didn't wake up on the right side of the bed this morning," He says

"I'm fine," I sigh

I remember where I am and almost go into panic mode. I mute the call and speak to the driver.

"Did you come armed?"

"Yes ma'am,"

"Good," I sigh slouching back into my seat before raising the car carpet to find the trap door for stashing weapons. I open it checking each weapon carefully, satisfied, I shut it back placing the carpet properly.

"Just remember this is for Jason, don't ruin his special day," Martin speaks up 

"Hey! I'm not that bad, do you think I'm just gonna bring out my gun and start shooting just because I'm not interested in these things," 

"You could," Martin replies and I roll my eyes

"Yeah right,"

"I'll talk to you later,"

"Why the rush?"

"Meeting," he states

"Oh, talk later," I reply ending the call.

"don't forget you don't go to the house directly, okay?"

"Yes ma'am,"

"Good," I stare out the window admiring Mexico, it definitely feels good to be back home. 

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