Chapter 15

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Cole's POV

The party was pretty eventful. Nova couldn't keep her big mouth shut, Nova is one of the few friends I have and she's also a part of the mafia, venting out to her was very easy and she listened, that's why Austin isn't in a hospital bed yet. 

I told Nova I'd met a woman, not in that sense, but as usual, she took it the other way always trying to set me up. She left the party a bit early to have her online date with Daniel who was currently in London. 

I am curious about Davina she has a dead husband, she's wearing a ring and is using Mrs. Despite my desperation I refuse to give in to the idea of hiring a private investigator and she also managed to bruise my hand. 

"Cole?" my sister calls out

"Yeah?" I turn to her "We've been looking for you, Do you know where Davina is?"

"No, I think she left already," I tell her

"Oh, what happened to your hand?" she asks noticing me wincing

"Nothing," I wave it off and she eyes me before leading me to our family who are busy conversing with a few people

Greeting the people I quickly bid goodbye to my family my arm in pain all the way home. She is definitely a good fighter and a good arm breaker. 

Riverfront is an amazing area in Pennsylvania, it is a beautiful place with houses and high rises overlooking the water. I park my car and make my way to the top floor, home, there's something about condos and being able to get a beautiful view, especially sunrise and sunset.

I look around for the first aid box and put some ointment on my hand sighing in relief. I pick up my phone and call Nova.


"How was your date?"

"Good," she replies and I can hear her smiling from ear to ear

"So how is your lady friend?" she continues

"She's a business partner Nova,"

"Okay," she laughs "Whatever you say gotta go," she states before the line goes dead.

I'd tell myself many times that I'm only interested in how Davina became like this, ruthless, mean and cold. There is more to this woman and I'm interested in finding out...I have no idea why. 

"I have to pay the doctor a visit tomorrow," I sigh


"It's nothing too serious," the doctor tells me "Just a little sprain, I'm gonna wrap a bandage around it and prescribe some medicine,"

"Thank you," I tell him before heading out to grab my medicine and my phone rings. 

"Hey," I smile into the phone

"Hey! Aren't you coming to work today?" Nova asks

"On my way," I tell her


It's still hard to comprehend that Davina sprained my wrist, she's stronger than I thought, Now I just have to come up with a good excuse for my wrist to avoid further embarrassment.

"What happened to your hand?" Nova asks

"I fell from the bed," I lie effortlessly

"You were thinking about her weren't you?" Nova wiggles her brow at me

"Nope," I reply walking into my office and she follows me

"Are you sure?" ever since I told Nova about Davina she has been pestering me that I'm interested in her. 

"Yes, Is Austin around?"

"No, he went for a meeting," she informs me

"Okay," I tell her and she leaves me to my work

After almost two hours of me working without distractions Nova walks in.

"You know you're still supposed to knock right?" I smirk

"Oh, Whatever," she laughs taking a seat and pushing her hair out of her face

"I haven't forgiven you for that stunt you pulled at the party,"

"Which one," she smiles

"What do you mean which one?" I deadpan

"Oh, I'm kidding," she bursts out laughing "You mean the one with Davina right?"

"Yes, it was not funny, did you see how she looked at me?"

"Yup, like she was going to murder you," she answers

"Exactly," I frown rearranging the documents on my table

My phone rings interrupting our conversation.

"What's up T?" I ask my sister

"Oh my God! Was that Davina I met yesterday?"

"Yup," I tell her

"She is crazy,"

"Why?" I ask with genuine interest and Nova picks up her phone texting away

"I met her at a clothing store, I wanted to get a dress for my friend and then I accidentally spilt smoothie on her and she went ballistic!"

"Really," I frown

"Yes!" she shrieks "She called me a fool!"

"She must have been pissed," I defend

"Yeah, she was pissed at me for a mistake!"

"Don't you remember when Austin almost lost it when he was looking for a file," I point out


"She might have been worked up over some mafia shit," I tell her

"Well, true bu-"

"People vent their anger out in different ways either at strangers or friends or even over little things, don't you remember when you accidentally brought me a salad with cream when I wanted it without cream?"

"Oh yeah," She laughs "You blew up on me, I was so confused it was just a minor accident,"

"Exactly," I point out laughing too "So why don't you give her another chance?"



"Okay okay I will," she surrenders

"Good," I smile

"Um...I'll talk to you later, bye," She rushes and ends the call

I have no idea why I just supported Davina, it could be because I had also gone through some pretty rough times. She honestly can be mean but I don't think everyone should be judged too easily, she seems sad. Her eye bags, the way she zones out, her cold eyes, the glaring and the constant long-sleeved outfits, the way she always tugs them down and touches her arm like she is hiding something under those sleeves.  

Frowning at my screen I drop the phone and I look up Nova nowhere to be seen. I guess she left, well back to work for me but I send her a quick text. 

Me: Where did you go?

She replies almost immediately 

Nova: Work :)

I decide to let her get her work done since I also have quite a lot on my hands. It's going to be a long day. 

Make me smile by clicking the star at the bottom of the screen. :)


Thoughts on Nova?

What do you think about Davina? Is \cole right or is Tanya?

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