Chapter 37

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Cole's POV

It's the seventh day and Tanya still refuses to agree and I'm starting to think she might be locked up in there for a while. She doesn't even eat regularly just one meal in a day except if mom has secretly been giving her extra. Finding out Davina has a fear was beyond shocking, she hardly shows emotions. She proved anyone is capable of having fears. Her advice and smile give me hope that everything will be fine.

"I really hope so," I mutter heading into the house

"What were you doing?!" My dad's voice booms

"I was giving her food!" my mom yells

"You were giving her more than what she is supposed to get! The only meal she gets is breakfast!"

"She's pregnant!" my mom fires back and I hurry to the living room

"What's going on here?!" I demand and Austin stands up looking calm and collected

"You were here? Watching them fight?" I ask bewildered and he stares at me

"Dad please just let Tanya keep the baby if that's what she wants, you don't have to see her, I'll get an apartment for her," I interfere getting tired of the regular fights

"She's not keeping the baby!" my dad tells me unwilling to compromise

"Dad it's her choice! Not yours! Let her live her life!" I fume pacing around

"You! You call yourself a good brother huh?! If you are you would let her do what she wants with the baby not agree with dad! She loves you a lot! And she always thought you were on her side but you proved to be a coward!" I fume my hands ready to cause some damage

"If you both don't let Tanya do what she wants, we're gonna lose her again," I state before walking out of the toxic house.

Starting up the engine I zoom off to my house. Once I get home I head straight for the gym in the penthouse. After letting off some steam, I stare out the glass window sighing.

My phone buzzes and Davina's name pops up.


Is Tanya better?


I'm not sure, she's still being pressured


They'll get over it




What for??


You spoke to me, and that helped me defend my sister.


You're welcome.


Groaning I get up from the bed with a sore hand. Getting an ice pack I place it on my knuckles sighing and looking around.

I check for my phone and it's twelve pm already.

Calling one of my men at work I tell him to send any important files to me since I won't be at work today.

I make myself a cup of coffee and there's a knock at the door. Looking through the peephole I see it's Nova, unlocking the door I walk her in.

"Hey," She smiles

"Hello," I breathe taking a seat on the couch and she joins me

"How is Tanya?"

"I don't even know anymore" I sigh "There's like this tape around her room door I can't even get close to her door,"

"It's just so frustrating that she can't do what she wants, I mean I get it she did something bad, accepted but it was our fault she ran away in the first place so aren't we supposed to be happy we got her back?"

"It's gonna be okay," Nova smiles at me patting my hands

"Now a bottle of whiskey to temporarily take away the pain," She smiles holding the bottle

"Definitely," I smile standing up to grab the cups

After about three glasses of whiskey Nova is stumbling and I take her to the guest room to lie down and she holds onto my neck.

"Nova," I cajole grabbing her hand

"Daniel and I are on a break," She chuckles before kissing me and I pull away quickly 

"You're drunk," I sigh "We'll talk about this later,"

A few hours later Nova wakes up and I put down the report I was looking at.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I think so," She sighs her hand on her temple

"Let me get you aspirin,"

Giving her the medicine she gulps it down and takes a seat opposite me.

"What happened with you and Daniel?" I start and she sighs staring at her fingers her dark curly hair a bit rough probably from tossing and turning while asleep.

"He travels a lot now," she shrugs "we barely have time for each other anymore,"

"You know you can take a break if you want,"

"I can but he can't, at least not now when things are falling apart with their drug business in Russia,"

Daniel is a part of the mafia but not our mafia. His mafia is an affiliate to ours so technically even if Nova gets leave he can't because he doesn't work under our mafia.

I walk over to Nova hugging her.

"It's gonna be okay,"

"Thanks," she smiles and I walk her out

"Umm, Nova about the-"

"It was just a kiss," She laughs "A drunk kiss," She reaffirms 

"Yeah," I nod

"Besides we both know who you're into," She winks before heading for the elevator. Shutting the door I walk into my room looking for a particular file when my mom calls me.

"Hey mom," I start

"Tanya," she cries

"Mom, what happened to her," I ask getting my keys

"She...she... she's pale," 

Make me smile by clicking the star at the bottom of the screen :)


Cliffhanger check ;) 

Anyone hating on Nova right now?

Who's your favorite singer?

If your sibling was pregnant would you support her or encourage her to abort it?

If your friend kissed you spontaneously would you be mad?

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