Chapter 24

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Unknown number:

Did you think I would forget that you killed the Capo in my base in America? Oh and do send my best wishes to your brother :) I hope he enjoyed his wedding gift.

"Fuck it! The nerve of this bastard!" I yell and another message notification pops up from my Mom. Ignoring it I take a shower before lying down to a well-deserved rest.

Waking up about two hours later I take a look at my phone and there are three messages from my mom.

"What the hell does she want?" I mutter

Opening the message I glance through it rolling my eyes before walking out of the room to get some food.


Vanessa called and told me Jason isn't around, she said he has been gone for about two hours now. Davina please call him I'm worried!

The plane touches down the sky still very dark since it's just one am in the morning.

Jerry puts my suitcase in the trunk and he heads to the house the leaving me to my own solitude looking into the dark night.

The front door swings open, a tired looking Sandra helps me with my suitcase.

I make a beeline for my room not bothering to check up on Carlos still annoyed about Jason's outburst.


Dressed up for another day of work, I head out.

Settling in my office I decide the best way to get rid of my anger is to punch something, a punching bag preferably.

Changing into my combat outfit. I feel powerful. The black leather vest clinging unto my body.

I hate you!


Shady business!


"Arghhhhh!" I vent out hitting the bag with all my might and it swings uncontrollably

Kicking the dumbbells I wince as my foot makes impact with the heavy metal.

Grabbing a dumbbell I throw it across the room and it crashes into a window.

Taking knifes I swing them and it hits the target accurately but I'm not satisfied.

I walk over to the broken glass kneeling on the floor. I place my fists in the midst of the glass and pound furiously on it as each glass slices through my hand leaving a fresh cut and blood stain. I wince but I continue to pound my fist into the glass.

It has always been my mechanism for ensuring I'm still strong and for letting me know how hurt I'm feeling on the inside. It makes me stronger and is also a way to help me get rid of built up anger.

Taking in the blood around me I walk over to the first aid kit wrapping a bandage around my hand. Tightening it I stand up again attacking the punching bag and sweat trickles down onto my chin.

Footsteps break me out of my trance and I close my eyes annoyed.

"I thought I specifically said no one should come in here."

"Well, It's nice to see you practice," Cole's voice rings out and my eyes widen


"Me," He smiles

I turn around and he speaks up again

"How the hell did that happen to you?" his eyes narrow on the scar on my right arm. The scar running from the edge of my shoulder down to my mid arm.

Quickly slapping my hand over it I grab my leather jacket and put it on not saying a word.

"How did you get that?" he asks again

"I don't think it's your business,"

"Look I know you don't enjoy company and all but seriously how did you get that?"

After failed attempts to get out of the room and continuous pestering I finally decide to tell Cole what happened to my arm.

Back when Antonio was still alive I had really wanted to learn a lot about the mafia, I had always been on the rebellious side. Antonio didn't want me to engage in fights that could harm me so he offered himself for fighting but I knew he was holding back because he thought I couldn't handle it. I was mad but I didn't let him know so when he went out for some work. I went to the mafia and demanded to be taught like a fighter. None of them took me serious except Jacob who didn't like my insistence and so he decided to fight me, with a promise I wouldn't tell Antonio, he was really good. Each time I tried to hit him I missed and then he brought in knives. We would try to hit each other with it. I missed a couple of times and when he got me the knife ran from my shoulder down to my mid arm, leaving a permanent scar for some reason. I think the knives were heated though.

Antonio didn't appreciate what happened and yes I was a coward, I told him but I begged him profusely not to harm him and he didn't he only told someone else to kill him as he put it.

Explaining the story to Cole I leave out a few details like what happened to Jacob and how I told Antonio.


How do you think Cole will react to the story?

Now we know why Davina doesn't wear short sleeved outfits ;)

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