Chapter 49

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When we get to Buckingham palace we get tickets to visit the state grounds heading inside.

It is beautiful and huge, how does the Queen live here?

"Ready for a long walk?"

"Yes!" I reply excitedly and we start walking

"Woah, this room is huge," I look around wide eyed

"Look at the chandelier," I point at it, it has lots of diamonds, if it ever fell on someone they would die instantly that's for sure

The stateroom has to be the size of my room the kitchen and living room put together.

It is huge and beautiful and screams royalty.

"Did you know the palace survived nine German bomb attacks during the world war?"

"Wow, this is one strong palace,"

"And a kid once broke into the palace,"

"What?" I stare at him wide eyed

"And he stole the queen's underwear," He laughs

"Oh no," I laugh "Although I hope that's only a rumor,"

"I really don't know," Cole replies laughing

"And the palace has seven hundred and seventy five rooms,"

"What the hell, that's more rooms than my house, your house and your father's house together and my parent's house in Mexico,"

"Hey! No need to drag my house into this,"

I let out a laugh holding his arm "but it's the truth," I point out

"But you've never been to my house,"

"Fair point, but I know it can't be more than a couple of rooms,"

"Next up river Thames," He tells me as we reach the end of our palace tour 

"But what about Westminster Abbey, the map says we're closer to that,"

"I know but it looks way better in the night," He smiles

I and Cole grab lunch before heading to the River Thames.

"Woah, I can see the London eye from here!" I point "We're gonna go there right?"


"This is a pretty river," I fold my arms around myself 

"Really? Pretty," he frowns

"Well, what am I supposed to say?" She laughs the wind picking up her hair making it cover her face

"Stay here, I'm gonna get someone to take our picture,"

"Okay," I reply staring at the river

Someone grabs me from behind lifting me up in the air and I yelp in surprise. Cole starts laughing as I grip onto his shirt. I thought he was gonna throw me in the river

"What the hell!" I scream scared to death still holding onto his shirt 

"I though I was gonna land in the water!" I huff and he laughs still holding me up

"Sorry, I couldn't pass up the idea of getting you scared again," He laughs his chest vibrating against my body

"Put me down," I laugh and he moves to the edge swinging me like he's gonna throw me in

"NO, no!" I scream "Cole no!" I close my eyes yelling his laughter growing even louder

I open my eyes and I'm still in his arms "Put me down," I tell him getting my hair out of my eyes

"Okay," he laughs before letting me down

"You're annoying," I huff and he laughs

"That was so funny you should have seen your face," he laughs wheezing

"Haha Haha," I reply sarcastically before stepping on his foot and he holds it up wincing


"Come on let's get on the Ferris wheel so we can get a better look at the river," I tell him

"Why don't we take a boat tour of the river Thames first?"

"Sure," I shrug

The boat view of the river is so much better than from the park we went to,

"Wow," I breathe putting my hand in the water as the boat moves

Cole puts his hand in the water and I go behind him grinning, I push him in the water

"Ahhhh!" he yells holding onto the boat and I let out a loud laugh

"Pull me up!" he yells water splashing on his face as the boat moves

I pull him up groaning and he lands in the boat with a thud, his clothes soaked and I giggle.

He stands up shaking his hair to get the water out and some droplets land on me.

"Come here," He grins "No," I laugh and he grabs my waist throwing me over his shoulder

"Stop, you're wet," I laugh

"I'm not 'wet'" he replies

"Oh my God," I laugh "Just put me down,"

"No," he replies heading over to the edge of the boat with me dangling over his shoulder, and I stare at his ass smirking before pinching it, he yelps dropping me down and I laugh.

"Why did you do that?" He screeches laughing

"It was a good idea," I laugh and he helps me up 

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