Chapter 8

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Cole's POV

"Oh hey Aspen," I smile at her walking into the living room.

"What a surprise," I continue and Tanya walks in holding a glass of water

Aspen gives me a small smile whilst Tanya takes a seat beside her sipping on the water. 

"Are you going home already?" Tanya questions

"Yeah, Aspen are you okay?" I ask her and she smiles at me

"I'm fine,"

"Okay," I shrug and I turn to Tanya "Tell mom I already left when she gets back,"

"Sure," Tanya smiles

"Bye," I say walking out of the living room and heading outside.


Flicking on the light to my apartment I walk in and my phone rings the caller ID flashing Tanya.

"She's not okay," She informs me and I already know who she's talking about

"What did Austin do this time?" I sigh taking a seat on the couch

"She asked him when he was gonna be back so she could make him lunch and he told her off, telling her that she has no right to ask him such questions and he's busy so she shouldn't call him urgent or not,"

"Business must be getting to him," I muse "That was rude but it's Austin just tell her to calm down he'll come around," I shrug

"I guess," She mutters

Noticing some weird looking shadows from my apartment I take out my gun from under the couch and advance towards the window carefully clutching the gun tightly in front of me. Looking outside the window I realize it's just a woman trying to get her dog on a leash. Letting my guard slip a bit I walk back to the couch and take a seat.

"Yeah, or you can talk to him,"

"Mhmm, what took you so long to reply?"

"Something," I tell her

"Okay, I'll talk to you later,"

"Bye," I say before ending the call and making my way to the kitchen to make myself dinner, a casserole. 


I wake up to the sun streaming through my window. I groan and take in the state of my messy bed. Looking through my phone to see if I have any appointments today, that's when I notice a scheduled meeting between me and Mrs De La Rosa for 12 pm and it's 11 am already another thirty to forty minutes to make it to her office. I rush out of bed to take a shower and get dressed in semi-formal clothes.

Strolling into her office, I come face to face with a hard face but I'm not fazed after all it is regular for the mafia, once I tell him my name he would be shaking. I'm surprised he doesn't recognize me.

"Wilson," I state and his eyes widen before he moves away from the entrance and he calls his other friend who quickly leads me inside after noticing who it is.

"Uhm sir she's not in yet," He informs me

Checking my watch it's already twelve-thirty and this woman isn't here yet, I wonder how her mafia became successful if she can't even acknowledge a meeting.

"Sir, I think she might be working from home today, Let me get her house address,"


Making another journey to her house, I walk out of the car admiring the trees that shade the house.

I press the doorbell waiting patiently. The door swings open to reveal a shocked and dishevelled looking redhead woman.

"Uhm, hi Come in," She smiles quickly composing herself, her hair still messy and I notice the bags under her eyes.

"Hello," I smile warmly walking into the house.

"Sit please, I'll be with you in a few minutes," She smiles hastily walking out of the living room her silk pyjamas hiding her curves.

I look around the living room and take in the beautiful house. I stand up moving closer to a few pictures sitting atop the fireplace and I inspect the picture even though I know it's rude I'm curious. 

She looks happy with a man standing next to her who I assume is her husband, smiling, a real smile not like the one she gave me a few minutes ago or the smile she gave at lunch. Her brown eyes shone with happiness.

"What are you doing?" An angry voice asks from behind me and I try to act not startled by her sudden appearance.

"I was trying to keep myself busy while you were away,"

"This is not a museum," She snaps grabbing the picture from my hand forcefully

I ignore her comment "Where is your husband, why isn't he the one in charge of the mafia?"

I'm a bit nosy which has its upsides and downsides which is why I had to ask the question, the only logical reason why she would be running the mafia is her husband is in jail or he's critically ill.

"Mr Wilson I don't think you came here for chit chats and if you did I don't have time for such so let's get to business," She replies monotonously

She is trying to be all professional, okay two can play that game.

"Indeed I'm not here for chit chat but if business between us is to flourish, I should at least know some things,"

"Yes and the only things you need to know are my enemies, meeting times, ammunition, and how we ship drugs, basically things concerning the mafia," She states straight-faced

"We're one of your biggest clients I know you need us so I suggest you start speaking if you want us to continue with this deal," I smirk taking a seat and she looks at me icily.

"Fine," She replies after a few minutes "he's dead." she folds her arms across her chest,

"You're lying," I reply "Because if he's dead you wouldn't be wearing a ring,"

"Mr Wilson I've had enough of your investigation let's get to business besides you only asked for his whereabouts, I don't owe you any other explanation."

"Okay," I reply knowing she got me cornered. 

Wrapping up the meeting, we exchange numbers in case anything arises and I'm off to my house. 

Cole Wilson is about to make my life much harder. 

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