Chapter 17

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Cole's POV

My outing with Martin was great, we spoke about games, mafia, and business. He's a great guy, a huge contrast to Davina, I was tempted to ask him questions about Davina but I knew he wouldn't spill. It was nice to hang around someone other than Austin who is pissed all the time. 


My phone rings and the caller ID flashes Mom. I put it on speaker and wait for her to speak turning onto the main road to the office.

"We're having lunch together as a family today so you have to be home by 2 pm,"

"Okay, is that all?"

"Yes, Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing, I'll see you later."

"Bye," I reply ending the call and heading over to the office.

"Do you always have to come late for work?" Austin barks

I ignore him walking into my office and burying my head in work. He's a pain in the ass.

Once I'm done with work, I drive down to Glawdwyne to have lunch with everyone. I walk into the house and the smell of different foods wafts through the house.


"I'm in the kitchen!"

Dropping my jacket on the couch. I stride into the kitchen to help my mom with the rest of the cooking. I love to cook for myself, it's almost the only hobby I have. It's fun, trying new recipes to cook although a little too much food and my stomach is going to be looking like my dad's. I can already feel my stomach bulging out. It's time to hit the gym.

"What happened to your hand?" My mom inquires

"Just a fall from the bed," I shrug "Nothing big."

"Are you sure?" she frowns inspecting it

"Yeah, I'm fine,"

"Where is Tanya?" I ask her stirring the food and the aroma fills my nostrils 

"Thank you, she's not back yet she went out," She tells me

"I hope she went with a bodyguard?"

"She did," my mom nods

"Good, Austin isn't here yet?"

"No," she shakes her head

"He left the office before I did,"

"He went to get Aspen,"


"I'm going to my room, I want to take a shower," I tell my mom once she's done cooking

"Okay, and please call any of the maids if you see them,"



When everyone is around we all sit at the table to have lunch and dad strikes up a conversation. 

"So how's the mafia going?" My dad asks us

"It's good," I reply sipping some water and Austin nods

"Cole what happened to your hand?" Tanya pipes up and I glare at her

"Fell from the bed," I inform everybody and they all focus on their food

"So how was your day?" Mom asks smiling

"Good," I inform them

My dad looks at me intently before focusing back on his food.

"Umm...Dad, I sent my application for a job interview, it's next month," Tanya announces

"No, you're not working,"

"But Dad-"

"I think I made myself clear," he replies coldly

"Dad it's just a j-"

"Tanya! He said no." Austin emphasizes and Tanya gets up from the table her chair scraping the floor and runs upstairs to her room.

"Honey,-" my mom starts

"She doesn't need to work, she could get hurt, we have enemies just like any other mafia, I can't let her work," My dad states 

"I'll go talk to her," Austin reassures us getting up and going upstairs 

He comes back down without Tanya and he assures us she's fine although I doubt my father actually cares.

Austin and Tanya share a relationship I don't understand they're both hot-headed and that is the only similarity they have yet they are close to each other and I'm confused on how that is possible.

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Avenging Antonio  *Editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora