Chapter 19

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I ring the doorbell waiting anxiously for the door to be pulled open. My family has always been rich, the huge mansion, the swimming pool, and the gorgeous view, living in Nuevo Leon is enough to know how rich my parents are. 

"Mama Davina esta de vuelta!"(Mom Davina is back!) Ivanna screams before throwing her arms around me, smiling I wrap my arms around her squeezing her tight before letting her go.

"Realmente?!"(Really?!) my mom's voice rings out and footsteps shuffle down the stairs.

My mom hugs me as soon as she sees me almost making me lose my balance and I hug her back smiling from ear to ear. 

"Where's Carlos?" Ivanna frowns

"I couldn't bring him,"

"Why?" my mom asks frowning

"His life will be at risk," I tell her and she doesn't question me any further

"Take her suitcase to her room," my mom informs Ivie and she nods grabbing my suitcase

"Thanks!" I call after her

"Where's dad?"

"He's in his room," my mom tells me

"Ivanna call your dad on your way! tell him Davina's home!" mom beams at me

I take a seat on the couch looking around the living room, the house hasn't changed much just some remodelling. I look around the living room marking my favourite hiding spots whenever I, Michael, Jason and Ivana were playing hide and seek, good memories, I smile to myself. I take a look around the living room feeling every inch of the room, it has been a long while since I was home.

"Davina, you're home?" my dad inquires walking into the living room a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Papa! yes," I rush towards him embracing him in a warm hug

"It's been so long since you came home," my dad comments taking a seat on the couch

"I know, it's work," I smile at him

"I know, you're a busy woman after all," he smiles at me

My father never accepted what I did or what Antonio did, being a part of a mafia is dangerous that was his mantra, and he kept chanting it all the time. My mom on the other hand complained that if she knew what Antonio was into, she would have never given us her blessing to get married. It took a while for my mom to come along when she discovered I was happy she had no choice but to accept that I am always going to be a part of this dark, bad and shady business as she calls it. Dad is still a bit skeptical about the whole mafia thing, but he has no choice I'm in too deep already.

"Where is Carlos?"

"Uh, he couldn't come along,"

"Really?" my dad frowns

"Ella esta mintiendo que ella no quiere que se encuentre con sus abuelos!" my mom retorts from the kitchen and I shake my head sighing (She's lying she doesn't want him to meet his grandparents)

"Dad it's definitely not like that,"

"I know," he smiles amused

"Mom! Why aren't there any preparations going on for the wedding?" I question

"I told you it is something small, I don't want to put you or the family in danger,"

I smile to myself before replying "Thanks, mama!"

"No es la gran cosa,"(It's no big deal) She beams dropping a tray of cookies in front of me.

"No mama, no tomo cookies," I tell her (No mama, I don't take cookies)

"Nonsense, why won't you eat cookies? It used to be your favourite snack,"

"Used to mama, I eat loads of doughnuts now," I inform her

"But wh-"

"Ah, Carino let her be, you can just make her favourite food," Dad smiles at me

"It's still Mole, right?" My dad asks

"Yes," I smile 

"Alright, where is your sister?" My mom frowns


"I'm coming!" She yells back and footsteps hurry downstairs.

"I unpacked your bags for you," Ivie beams at me

"Thanks, Ivie," I tell her not wanting to break their hearts by telling them I'm leaving the morning after the wedding.

"You're welcome," She smiles wider taking a seat next to me

"So, how's America?"

"It's good," I shrug

"And Carlos?"

"He's good,"

"I'll leave you two alone, I'm going to my room," dad announces

"Okay," We say in unison and I look over at Ivie before laughing. She laughs along while Dad shakes his head amused before making his way to his room.

"Is Jason not coming to see me?" I ask excited to see the groom 

"He's busy, the wedding's driving him crazy," Ivie laughs "And I don't think he knows you're around, he's a groomzilla," 


"He's coming over for dinner today,"

"Oh nice, Isn't Jason supposed to be here too?"

"I just told you he's busy," Ivie laughs and I roll my eyes


"What's mom making?" Ivie asks after hearing the clattering of pots

"Guess?" I wiggle my brows

"Mole," She replies a few minutes after my question

"Yes," I grin leaning back on the couch

"I knew it!" Ivie laughs "Still a fan huh?"

"Always," I smile

"So, you kept the red hair huh?"

"Yup," I smile at her

"Ivanna let Davina get some sleep I'm sure she has been lacking that for a long while," My mom announces from the kitchen

"Mama, I'm not tired," I shake my head

"Of course, you are," Ivie counters "You look like shit, c'mon let me take you up," 

MAke me smile by clicking the star at the bottom of your screen! ;) 


Is anyone excited about the wedding?

Big weddings or small weddings? 

Nuevo Leon is one of the most expensive cities in Mexico. :)

Avenging Antonio  *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now