Chapter 70

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I knew there were a lot of tales about dead people coming back to life but I never believed it.

"Cole," She says with more emotion

"What? How? What is going on? I thought you were dead?"

"Salvador saved me," She says and I stare at the both of them

"Sophia focus on Davina she stole Cole away from you don't forget that," Salvador says

"Why did you move on from me so quickly, and to her?"

"I never loved you Sophia and you know that," he sighs

"But you love her?!" She yells "I watched the both of you get cozy with one another, I had to do something that would hurt her,"

"What do you mean," I question

"She kidnapped Carlos," Salvador says coming closer to us "All your brother had to tell me was what state you stayed in and that was it, she did the rest," Salvador smirks "But I guess you got into a huge fight with your brother,"

"You!" I make my way to Salvador, he points to Carlos before tutting and I stay put

"Sophia why would you do that?" Cole asks

"Because you don't love me! I can't watch you give my love to someone else, If you can't love me then you can't love anyone else!" she yells

"You wanna know what else I also did? I shot you, Cole! I was the one who shot you in London! You were too close to her," she  points to me 

"Sophia!" Cole yells "Get it into your thick skull I can never ever love you no matter what you do, you can kill me but I still won't love you even on my death bed, if I die and I'm being lowered into the ground there is only one person who would be in my heart and that is her!"

"You!" Sophia screams attacking me and I pull her by her hair making her fall to the ground.

"Don't" I hit her "You." slap "Ever." slap "Play." slap "With." slap "my son." slap

She falls to the floor and Salvador stares at me.

"I guess you want to know what your husband did that prompted me to kidnap your son,"

"You see Antonio's grandfather and my grandfather were mafia partners but Antonio's father became greedy so he ended the partnership and fled with the money, leaving my father with nothing, my father had to build this mafia from scratch again. So how could I let Antonio be after everything his father put my father through?"

"You might still need to hit Sophia though, she's the one who killed Antonio," He smirks "She did my job for me,"

"How dare you!" I pull her up shaking her "Undo what you've done!" I yell slapping her "Why did you kill my husband," I yell shaking her

"He was a bad person!" Salvador spits

"No! Never!" I yell "His father was a bad person! Why did you do this to my husband why didn't you let him get to see his son! Why didn't you just let it go?" I yell falling to my knees

"Mama!" Carlos cries and I wipe my tears away

"You killed him," I point to Sophia "Why?" I yell

"Sophia, you shouldn't have done this," Cole brings out his gun and he points it to Sophia

"Kill me!" Sophia yells "At least I know I died because you cared enough to kill me, at least I got your attention even if it's just for a few seconds,"

Cole closes his eyes before opening them to look between me and Sophia.

"Say hi to the Devil for me," Cole says closing his eyes before shooting Sophia twice

She falls to the floor her blood spewing everywhere and she sputters staring at Cole.

"I still love yo-" She says faintly before she stops breathing 

Cole points the gun at Salvador.

"That's not a good idea, Carlos has a bomb attached to him," He smirks showing me the bomb attached to Carlos

"Just let him go, I'll do whatever you ask," I state my heart hammering against my chest

"Excellent choice,"

Martin comes outside and he stares between me Cole and Salvador.

"What's going on?"

"There's a bomb on Carlos," I tell him

"You, tie her up," He points to martin and hands him a rope 

Avenging Antonio  *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now