Chapter 9

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Davina's POV

Yesterday's fight with Isabel made me wonder what my other friends think of me. Crazy maybe, but I don't care. She left a note saying she is sorry and was under a lot of stress, it will probably take a while for me to forgive her but it's really hard to stay mad at Isabel. She might be going through a tough time but I'm more of a mess. Noticing my phone is dead I quickly run upstairs to plug it in and then it dawns on me that Carlos and Sandra are still at the other house.

"Shit shit!" I mutter "I have to call them but this stupid phone won't start yet,"

Massaging my temple I look at the clock and I curse some more. I'm late for work, I need to start staying away from my friends they're definitely straying me away from work. 

I'm about to start up my phone when the doorbell rings and I groan in irritation swinging the door open without looking through the peephole. My eyes widen as I come face to face with Mr Wilson's son. I immediately remember that I was supposed to be having a meeting with him at twelve and it's almost one, he probably went to my office and then Dave gave him my house address.

Walking him in I dash out of his sight to get changed.


The meeting with him was exhausting not because of the workload but because of his unnecessary questions. If he wasn't really important for the mafia development, I would have kicked him out.

Making my way to my phone quickly I see numerous missed calls from Sandra and I call her back immediately to tell them to come home.

They arrive shortly and Carlos has a wide smile on his face.

"Mommy!" Carlos jumps on me

"Hey sweetie," I smile at him "I'll see you later okay?" I hold him in my arms and he nods before I drop him.

Rushing to have my bath I quickly leave for the office masking my sadness and pain like every other day with a cold glare.

Another day of work and it's time to check out the new recruits, Mr Wilson's son is going to be there and my guess is he wants to know how we get things done.

"Recruits!" Dave calls out and they all stand in front of him "This is our boss," he points to me and I nod keeping a straight face "She will determine how capable you are, You have five minutes to warm up before the exercise begins."

I watch them and Mr Wilson's son walks in soon enough and I rush out to answer a call walking back in I overhear two of the recruits talking.

"She's a woman, how can she run the mafia? She'll get emotional over little things," The brown-haired boy says and the other one stares at him.

I make my presence known by walking in on them and the brown-haired boy's eyes are filled with horror.

"Attention please," I clap my hands and everyone looks at me including Mr Wilson's son.

"Come on," I smile at the brown-haired boy and he walks forward

"He doesn't think I'm capable of running the mafia because I'm a woman," I chuckle and I hear a few gasps, Dave's eyes widen.

"So why don't we show him how capable girls are in general," I smile

I beckon for one of the best recruits according to Dave who is a girl.

"Come," I call the girl over "You are gonna fight him and I want you to show him how powerful women can be,"

The brown-haired boy looks at the girl smiling "You?!" He laughs "I don't think you can take me on,"

"How about you get in the ring?" I smile sarcastically and nobody says a word a thick silence fills the room.

They start fighting and he manages to hit the girl on her cheek, she returns it with more impact and he staggers back before she hits his groin.

"Hit him," I tell her my voice booming through the quiet arena

She nods not looking at me and hits him continuously whilst he cries out in pain, his face smeared with blood.

"Stop it she's gonna kill-" I raise my hand to Mr Wilson's son and he stops talking immediately

"You don't tell me how to run my mafia," I tell him curtly my eyes still focused on the guy who looks like he's about to pass out

Everyone in the room watches quietly probably hoping I would stop it soon. I'm wicked, mean, and ruthless when it comes to men like him. Who does he think he is, he thinks I can't handle a few guns, I would have taken him on but that would have been bloodier. Seeing the girl beat the shit out of him makes me satisfied.

"Stop," I tell the girl whose hands are now stained with his blood

She steps away from him her fists clenched at her sides.

I walk into the ring and drag his blood-stained face up to look at me.

"What a man can do a woman can do fucking better and she just proved that statement to be right," I crouch holding his face with a single hand and squeezing his mouth.

"You should watch what you say next time," I state standing and giving the girl a nod of approval. 

"Good work, Keep it up," I smile at her. This girl did surprise me I wasn't expecting her to get his face so busted. A lot of men in the mafia business thought of me as weak until I truly proved them wrong sometimes it's not about words but actions. Antonio would be so proud of me.

"Get him out," I tell Dave and he nods before approaching the boy.

A few minutes later the tension in the room seems to have eased a bit and I clap my hands "Let's proceed," I address everyone in the room. 

There's more blood to shed. 

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