Chapter 54

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Martin and I leave the house and he drives to God knows where. My brain is on overdrive I can't think straight, I couldn't act quick enough and now he has my son. Antonio's mom was right I'm a horrible woman.

Martin and I are in the parking lot and I still can't wrap my head on my son being kidnapped.  This was low of Salvador but I can never put it past him. If I'd acted faster he wouldn't have had the opportunity to do this.

A tall figure walks out of the hotel jogging towards the car and I squint my eyes as he stands outside the car.

I get out of the car coming face to face with Cole

"What's going on?" He asks a worried look on his face

"It's Carlos, he was kidnapped," Martin replies and I close my eyes trying to wake up from this dream.

I open my eyes hoping I would still be back on the plane just having a bad nightmare but Cole is in front of me his eyes glistening.

"Fuck," he mutters under his breath

"Do you want to talk?" He asks me and I close my eyes trying to control my anger

"This is your fault," I tell him staring right into his brown eyes, my glare hardening.

"What?" he stares at me confused

"Guys, let's-" Martin starts and I hold my hand up to him

"Don't," I tell him before focusing on Cole

"I was going to call Carlos that night! But you refused to let me!" I yell "I tried calling him at the Big Ben but still you managed to divert my attention again!"

"You're telling me this is my fault," he stares at me bewildered

"Yes, it is!" I wave my hands around me "You confused me!"

"We slept together! I didn't confuse you! And that wasn't my idea!" He yells back fuming

"I don't give a fuck about whatever happened that night! All I know is this. Is. Your. Fault," I point a finger at him

"I know you're mad, but don't say that, at least not like that," He breathes heavily his eyes red

"I'd say it a million times if I needed to," I fire back my eyes glistening

"You slept with me knowing very much I'm still married and in love with Antonio!"

"You are crazy!" He makes a description with his hand "He's dead. Davina, he's dead! He's not coming back you are not married! Get over it!"

"I hate you!" I yell the tears spilling out

"Look, I'm sorry let's just- I...Vinnie please,"

"I l-" he starts

I hold a hand up to him hardening my stare "If you have feelings for me I encourage you to keep it to yourself. I don't want to hear anything from you."

"God, please don't do this I know you're mad-" He sighs frustrated

"I'm not mad, I'm fucking furious and you wanna know why? Because you came into my life,"

He looks up cursing under his breath before looking at me his eyes dark "You're scared, Hell you protect your heart like you're the first person to be broken, the only reason you're alone is because you refuse to let people in. You're cruel and selfish." He states boldly his glare unwavering.

I take a step closer to him before slapping him right across the cheek and he stares at me. I leave him standing in the parking lot, walking into the hotel and Martin tails after me. 

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