Chapter 31

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Davina's POV

When Cole called to tell me about his missing sister I was shocked but not surprised. Half of most mafia daughters always attempt to run away from home according to Antonio which is why he was glad he never had a sister. I had once tried to run away because my parents wouldn't let me marry a 'criminal' as my father termed it. Antonio didn't let me, I told him all the beautiful places we could go together but he didn't want to elope with me, he cared so much about me he couldn't rip me away from my family. I remember his exact words.

"I won't take you anywhere without the consent of your parents,"

It irked me but he proved to my parents he was worthy of me.

Finding Tanya was an accomplishment, but her words struck me deep and I don't know why. Maybe because she was brutally honest and I knew she was right. I couldn't get mad at her, it wasn't worth it after all we were trying to persuade her not make her drift further away.

I spoke to her in a nice and calming tone even I couldn't believe myself.

By the time we got back to the house I was exhausted. Cole asked to make a quick shirt change and I waved him off. I dozed off waiting for him and when he came back he tapped me lightly before we headed outside together. Before he opened the car I has dozed off again and I felt someone pick me up but I couldn't be more bothered.

Tossing and turning the next morning I wake up to the sun streaming through the windows.

"What the-" I raise my hand to shield my face from the sun.

My curtains were always closed I wondered standing up. I always made sure to shut them before going to bed.

A flashback of yesterday night reminds me I was too exhausted to do anything. I was carried up to my room but I didn't even care, the sleep was important.

My phone buzzes on the nightstand and I frown, who could it be this morning?


I hope you slept well, you were pretty tired yesterday. I've dropped your car off at your house and thanks for yesterday, it means a lot to me.

Wait, he drove me home yesterday! and probably carried me! that means he had a lot of time to stare at my pretty face.

"Shit! I must have been out real bad,"

After taking a shower I put on a long sleeved dress and an image flashes into my mind.

"How the hell did that happen to you?" Cole questions referring to the scar on my arm.

The scar had been the reason why I never exposed my arms outside. I feel by everyone seeing this maybe they can finally understand that I'm not the Capo just because I'm Antonio's wife but because I deserve it.

Changing my outfit to the only short sleeved I own, I make my way out not before kissing Carlos goodbye.

At work a few people were shocked but not everyone after all a few of them had seen it before.

They seemed to respect me more knowing I had gone through the same pain as each of them in this mafia. Juana looked up at me with more adoration. The office isn't busy today and I still need a plan to get back at Salvador after my parents agree to come live in America. They are just being unnecessarily stubborn Michael and Jason included.

Picking up my phone I text my Mom.

Mom, I'm sending the airplane next week and I don't care whether you wanna come or not. Michael and Jason included.

My phone chimes and I open her message.

We already made up our mind to move within the next two weeks so we can pack, plus Michael and Jason already bought their houses in New York.

Oh, that's great! Thanks...

You're welcome

Sighing I rest in my seat tapping the pen on the table incessantly.

Martin has been pretty busy lately and I've been on my toes for some reason.

Heading home after a long day of work and a travel scheduled tomorrow.

I ask Sandra to get take outs for me upon getting home while I check on a sleeping Carlos.

Eating my takeout alone in the living room the buzz of my phone makes me frown.


Hey, Been hitting you up in a while, Are you still mad at me??


No, we're good what's up??


Nothing, Michael's on another one of his trips, Can I come over just for a while?


Err, sure.

Tossing my phone onto the couch I continue with my meal.

What if she finds Carlos?

Carlos toys?

"Sandra, please lock Carlos in his room, I have a guest and please do check around for his toys."

"Sure ma'am,"

After vigorous searching in the living room a ring at the doorbell breaks my focus from the document I am reading.

Getting the door I open it with a wide smile on my face. 

"Hi," I smile at her as she engulfs me in a hug

"Hello, I know it's late," she laughs "But I just needed some company,"

"No problem," I shrug and we both take a seat on the couch getting comfortable.

I open a bottle of champagne pouring it into our glasses before she dives into a conversation.

Talking with Elyssa was fun it helped get my mind off mafia work and all.

Today it's time to travel, and to no other place than Russia.

Throwing my suitcase in the car I get in as Jerry drives to the airport. Something went wrong with the shipments and the ammunition didn't get to the owners and they are pretty pissed.

Sipping my coffee I stare at the clear clouds from the comfort of the plane. The plane touches down at about seven pm in the evening and I can't wait to taste some meals, since my cooking skills got worse and I lost what I had passion for,I became more of a foodie while also making sure to keep fit.

The black jeep is already waiting for me when I get out of the plane. The air hostess puts my suitcase in the car and I get into the backseat checking if we're loaded. Most times whenever word gets around that a mafia leader is in a country other enemies try as much as possible to intercept them before they reach their destinations. 

"The guns?"

"Under the carpet ma'am,"

I double check before I'm satisfied leaning in my seat. Russia's traffic jam is way better than Philly. 

 Make me smile by clicking the star at the bottom of your screen :) 


Who's excited for Russia? 

How pissed do you think Davina is on a scale of 1-10?

So Davina got to spend a few minutes in Cole's arms ;) 

Would you like it if they spent more time together?? ;) 

Who can't wait for her family's move?? 

Would you like it if you could stay in a different country from your parents??

Avenging Antonio  *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now