Chapter 7

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Davina's POV

The Wilson's were strange people compared to other mafia families I've met. Their son kept eyeing me probably finding it strange to have a woman as a Capo.

"Mommy!" Carlos screams hugging my legs and I pick him up giving him a kiss on the nose

"How is my baby doing?"

"Good!" he smiles and I look over at the tv displaying images of some animated movie.

"Why don't you get back to your movie, Mommy wants to shower," I smile at him before dropping him.

When I am done with my shower I get a call from my mom and we get into an argument about me  coming to Mexico so I end the call angrily deciding to work on some papers until a call from Jason interrupts me.

"Hey," I hold the phone to my ear

"How are you?" he asks his deep voice filled with concern

"I'm okay, why?"

"Mom said you seem to be more invested in this mafia of a thing than your family,"

Pinching my palm in irritation I speak up again "It's not like that at all, just a little bit busy these days, I can't believe you called me because of mom," I roll my eyes

"Well, she sounded worried..."

"Whatever, how is Michael," Michael is my older brother and more reserved than the rest of us while Jason is my twin brother who constantly nags. 

"He just had a baby about two days ago,"

"And no one bothered to tell me?" I sigh in irritation

"It's not our fault, you don't want to be a part of the family."

"Oh my God! Jason it's not like that!" I fume

"Just forget about it make sure to call him okay?"

"Yeah, I will."

Speaking to Michael was less painful except him talking about ignoring family. He just had his second child and is planning on moving away from Mexico, Jason is not so sure yet. 

My family might be laying low in Mexico but that didn't mean they weren't in danger. The only reason I had not brought them to America is because Ivana is adamant on finishing college there. Michael is ready to move, Jason is planning and Ivanna just wants to finish college over there. 

Busying myself with work once again after I'm done talking to them, I groan in frustration not being able to concentrate.


"Hey!" Isabel shouts over the phone

Isabel is also one of my few college friends who I managed to stay in contact with and she was definitely the free spirit.

"I guess somethings don't change," I shake my head mockingly

"What," She laughs "Being happy doesn't kill ya know, Anyways I'm in Philly!" She screams again excited, so just give me your house address I'm coming over right now, well after I drop my stuff at the hotel." She squeals


"No excuses!" she cuts me off and knowing what Isabel is like I simply give her the address.

I end the call packing all of Carlos's toys into his room and he looks at me.

"Mommy?" He gives me a look a frown etched on his face

"What's wrong baby?" I smile

"My toys?"

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