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TW: Hunger Games, murder, rich men who think they are better than everyone else.

A Joseph Pulitzer sat in his office alongside some of the most prestigious men in the city of New York.

They were faced with a predicament and they were trying to solve it.

So far they had a few ideas. One of which was to do a Hunger Games style competition, just without the literal children murdering each other and rather to see who the most evolutionary advanced are.

Another of their ideas was to bring a certain amount of people of a certain age group to a lab and test them to see what genes are more advanced.

Finally they came to the conclusion that extracting a select group from society and keeping them all in a remote area and leave them in the dark as to the experiments happening.

So as all the men were sitting around the table, they thought of who they should select for the experiment.

In the end they selected 16 of who they believe to be the most eligible for the experiment they had chosen to conduct.

And if they refused to participate, well
let's just say that they have their methods.

~~Ye Olde Time Skip~~

The subjects for the experiment had all moved into what was to be their temporary home for the foreseeable future.

Some, as suspected, had not gone very easily while others just accepted it and did as they were told.

But eventually all of the subjects had been placed into the test facilities.

The men had had to figure out a way for the subjects not to suspect why they had made them become a part of what they dubbed a 'surprise scholarship' to a 'secluded, exclusive boarding school'.

They had used this as a cover thanks to their subjects being of high school age, many were suspicious but in the end they had no say.

So as all of the subjects became acquainted and became situated, the men stated to put their plan into action.

343 words .

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