Chapter 53

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Jospeh Pulitzer walked into his office the morning after the 'break in'.

At first he noticed nothing to suggest to the fact that this had happened but little things such as a bobbin on the floor and his files being out of order and his drawer not being properly closed made him suspicious.

When he noticed the muddy shoe prints a few sizes too big to be his, and too muddy to be his, he called in his secretary.

"Hannah, get here now," he barked at her.

"Yes sir," she said as she rushed into the office.

Pulitzer looked up from the files he had taken out to see if any information had been tampered with.

"Is this bobbin yours?" he asked showing the bobbin to her.

"No sir I use the thin ones. Is there a chance it could be Katherine's?" she suggested having a strong suspicion of what had happened. "She was only in here the other day. It could have fallen out of her pocket."

Pulitzer nodded before turning back to the files.

Hannah stood there not knowing if she should stay there or leave. After a minute she opted for the latter.

Pulitzer stayed in the same position for the next few hours, only moving to look at a different file.

He had opted to only tell a few of the faculty about the experiment, most notably the detention supervisors Mr. Snyder and Mr. Wiesel.

He also told Hannah because she needed to know why the files were so heavily watched over in comparison to others.

After school Hannah was finishing up some paperwork when an idea came to her mind.

She knew that the Newsies always hung out in the common room in the evening except for rare occasions.

She wasn't sure who she should talk to about her knowing what they did. She was only really close to Katherine, she was her boss's daughter after all.

As she approached the door to the common she tried to listen in to see if she could hear her voice.

After a while she decided to just knock in case someone came out of the room and saw her there it might look a bit suspicious.

She heard voices inside asking who they thought was at the door because none of the Newsies would knock.

Jack opened the door with a look of curiosity on his face. It just increased when he saw her at the door.

She noted that there was worry in his eyes when that it was her finally set in.

"Hannah, what a surprise to see you. Can we do something for you?" Davey said from behind him.

When he saw that Jack was failing in that social situation he decided that it may be best to step in.

"Is Katherine there? I just need to have a quick talk with her," she explained.

"I think her and Sarah are in their room. They should be here is a minute or so."

Hannah nodded and went to stand outside the door.

"Not to be nosey but is everything alright with her?" he asked.

"Yes, everything's okay," she reassured him. "I just need to check some things with her."

He nodded and walked back over to Jack as Sarah and Katherine walked in.

Katherine went off with Hannah and the rest of the Newsies pulled out the cards and started playing some card games.

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