Chapter 43

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TW: Abuse, mention of death and killing.

"Hi Dad," Race tapped his dad on the shoulder to try get his attention.

"Oh, Antonio, it's so great to see you," he said faking joy while pulling his son into a hug. "Be quick about your goodbyes I have better places to be."

Race nodded and turned to Spot.

"Dad, this is my friend and roommate, Spot," he pointed to Spot who offered his hand to shake but was just met with a glare.

"That's a stupid name?" his father sneered.

"It's a nickname and he prefers being called that rather than his birth name," he stated. "He was going in this direction too so I thought you might be interested in meeting him."

The two boys walked off to properly say goodbye. They shared a hug and, when they were sure they were out of his line of vision, a few quick kisses.

Race walked back over to his father with a small smile on his face.

"I'm ready to go now," he told his father.

"Was that your boyfriend you were saying goodbye to," he asked sneering on the word boyfriend.

"What? No, he's just a friend. I swear."

"Really? Because the way you were kissing him begs to differ," his father was starting to raise his voice.

Race's eyes widened and he spluttered out an attempt at an excuse.

"It was- it was nothing. I promise. I'd never lie to you," he pleaded.

"Don't lie to me," he shouted, slapping Race across the face. "Now get in the car before I have to do something we'll both regret."

His father grabbed his arm and started dragging him to the car. His eyes were wide and he was looking around frantically for someone to help but everyone was too immersed in their own conversations.

He was nearly in the car when he heard two voices behind him.

"Leave him alone," much to Race's delight it was Jack and Spot.

"Oh look, it's your stupid little boyfriend."

While his father was distracted he pulled his arm out as hard as he could and ran over to the two boys.

Spot immediately pulled him into a hug and started whispering to him to calm him down from his panicked state.

By now more people had heard all of the ruckus and Davey had gone over to help calm Race down.

Everyone else looked ready to kill his father where he stood.

Before anyone could make a move to kill anyone, Ms. Medda walked out and saw the crowd. When she saw Race in Spot's arms she immediately knew that something was wrong.

She also wasn't stupid and knew that there was something going on in his home life that he wasn't telling anybody about.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave these premises immediately," she said with all the authority she could have in her voice.

"I don't have to do anything, my son is here and I'm not leaving without him."

She glanced back at Race, who had calmed down a bit but was still shaking a bit. She also noticed the red handprint shape on his cheek and felt rage coursing through he veins.

"Sir, I know for a fact that Race didn't have that handprint on his face when he left and none of these boys or girls would even dream of hurting him so it could have only been you," she stated matter-of-factly.

"Fine, I'll leave," he shouted before turning to Race. "But just know that no man will ever truly love you. Only a woman can do that."

Race dug his head into Spot's chest while trying not to cry.

"It's going to be okay," he whispered. "And I promise that I will love you with all of the love in my body 'till the day I die."

Race nodded and buried his face as much as he could, this time to hide his blush.

"Where am I going to go?" he asked after he had stopped blushing the colour of Albert's hair.

"I'm going to take you home with me. Is that okay?"

Race nodded and after saying goodbye to the rest of the group they sat on the bus hand in hand.

714 words

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