Chapter 47

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Jack and Davey sat in the library alone. Neither of them knew where the librarian was but they liked having the privacy.

They were at one the study cubicles. Davey was on the chair while Jack was sitting cross-legged on the desk.

"I can't believe they keep falling for your terrible excuses," Davey laughed. "I also can't believe that you can't think of a better excuse."

Jack pretended to be offended.

"Excuse me but I don't see you with any fabulous excuses so you can't shame my absolutely incredibly awesome excuses," Jack said being as extra as possible.

"Not half full of yourself, are you?"

"I know, I'm incredibly modest about how great I am," he smirked at Davey and winked.

Davey blushed the colour of a tomato.

Jack leaned down and kissed him on the forehead which just made his blush even more.

"You look cute when you blush," Jack stated.

"Maybe you should stop making me blush," Davey got up and walked over to the YA section and plopped himself onto the floor and grabbed a book.

Jack sighed and climbed off of the table and walked over to him.

"What are you reading?" he asked sitting down beside him.

"They Both Die at the End. It's a romance book," Davey explained lifting the cover up to show him while still reading.

"Well I'm not going to read it now that you've spoiled how it ends," he joked.

(That's an actual conversation I had with one of my C.S.P.E teachers and it was the most awkward thing ever.)

The two of them laughed and Davey went back to reading.

Jack wandered around looking at different books and picking up some he thought Davey might like.

"Do you think they're going to figure out about us soon? We're not very secretive," he asked looking at the cover of a book.

"It wouldn't be the end of the world if they did," Davey pointed out.

"Should we just not tell them to see how long they can last without figuring it out. I think that would be funny," Jack said bringing a pile of books over to Davey and pecking him on the lips.

"Stop, they're singing American Pie you can kiss me later," Davey muttered.

"Well excuse me for wanting to kiss my boyfriend," he commented from across the bookshelf he was browsing.

Davey rolled his eyes and put a bookmark in his book.

Jack went and sat down beside him. "Okay but you have to give me cuddles tonight."

Davey pretended to sigh deeply and mocked thinking on it before nodding.

"Deal," he replied putting out his pinkie finger.

Jack linked his with Davey's and kissed their pinkies. "Deal."

After an hour or so the pair decided that it was about time they headed back to the rest of the group.

They worried if they stayed any longer they might start to get suspicious and come looking for them.

They debated on whether they should just go straight to their room for cuddles (Jack was in favour of this option).

In the end they decided that it might seem suspicious if they didn't at least drop by quickly to the others.

So they did and what they had planned to be a quick drop by ended up being two hours of card games and laughter.

Finally after it was all over they went up to their room and Jack got the cuddles he so desperately wanted.

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