Chapter 49

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Race walked into his and Spot's room where Spot was lying on his bed reading.

He made a beeline for Spot's bed and flopped onto it beside his boyfriend.

"Spotty, I'm bored," Race whined rolling across the bed and rolling onto Spot.

"Don't call me Spotty," he grumbled. "And how an supposed to help with your boredom?"

Race shrugged and hugged him. "You could give me cuddles," he suggested burying his head into the crook of his neck.

Spot squirmed at his breath against his neck.

"Who's have thought that the Spot Conlon is ticklish," he joked.

"You are far too hyper. You'll be up every two seconds to do something," Spot pointed out. "Why don't you go see if Romeo or someone wants to play outside with you."

"We're teenagers it's not called playing outside."

"What is it called then?"

"Hanging out outside."

"And what do you do while outside?"


"My point proven. Now go play outside."

Race rolled off of the bed, not without quickly kissing Spot, and went into Romeo's room.

Spot laid back on his bed and picked up his book to continue on where he was.

He was content it reading when Race came back in. "I thought you went outside to play," he said.

"Romeo is busy and so is everyone else and I don't want to go on my own," he told him. "Would you come outside and play with me?"

Race put on the puppy eyes he knew Spot was weak against.

Spot just sighed and sat up from the bed. He walked over to Race and hugged him.

"I thought you said no cuddles yet," Race whispered to him.

"Yes but now you're making me go outside so just let me have these few minutes with you," he whispered back kissing him on the forehead.

They stayed like that for a few minutes when Race got impatient and dragged Spot to the outdoors area.

As soon as they went outside Spot started shivering. Race on the other hand was perfectly fine.

"How are you not freezing? There's literally snow on the mountains (Are there mountains in New York?)." Spot complained.

"It's only 28 degrees (-2 degrees Celsius) it's not coat weather yet."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

This argument went on for quite some time before Spot went back inside to get his coat and also get Race's, he just didn't know that.

"I don't get how you can't deal with the snow," he complained once again when he had returned.

"I was born and raised here, I was basically born for this weather."

"I was born and partially raised in Ireland so I'm born for rain not the cold."

Once Race finally put on his coat and Spot claimed to have frostbite they decided to go inside and warm up.

Since Race had worn himself out and wasn't as hyper anymore, Spot let him cuddle him.

Race was curled up into Spot's side and had his head on Spot's chest listening to his heartbeat while Spot was playing with his hair and kissing him on the top of his head occasionally.

They also had their free hands intertwined and Race was tracing the lines on his palm.

"I love you Racer," Spot whispered.

When he didn't get any sort of a response he looked down at Race to see if he was okay and lightly chuckled when he saw him with his mouth open and snoring lightly.

He kissed him on the head and closed his eyes.

597 words

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