Chapter 41

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All the Newsies sat at their newly assigned seats. Previously, they had sat in a couple groups that they would move around in so that everyone got to be with everyone but due to the Winter Exams they had to all sit at separate individual desks.

Some people were looking alive and like they had studied, or had just slept and not bothered to study.

Some on the other people looked like they hadn't slept a wink and were about to fall asleep at their desk.

Some were doing exactly that and put their head on their book because they were 'reading' it and 'accidentally' fell asleep.

Overall, nobody wanted to be there and all of them could use a good nap.

They hadn't been told who the supervising teacher would be in advance to minimise any chances of cheating so they were all hoping that it was some teachers and hoping that wasn't some others.

Much to everyone's relief, the supervising teacher was Ms. Medda.

"I'll give you all 10 minutes to quickly go over your notes and then I'll hand out the tests and we can start," she explained to the class.

Some people perked up at the fact that they had a few minutes to cram as mush as they can.

Once the 10 minutes were up, the tests were handed out.

To everyone's delight, the test had one essay and then the rest of the questions were source questions and questions based around them.

When the exam had finally finished, they rushed into the cafeteria for lunch and all sat down at their table.

"What did you get for the question about the significant battle thing?" Mike asked his twin.

Ike shrugged. "I can't remember, ask Davey. He's smart."

"Davey, what did you get for the question about the battle thing?" he asked.

"You had to write a battle in the revolution and then for the next one it was a result of the battle," he explained.

"What did you do?"

"I did Yorktown and talked about the whole taking out bullets thing and how Washington won. I just said how the Treaty of Paris was a result," Jack looked at him with the look of lovesick puppy.

Crutchie couldn't help but giggle a little bit at his face.

"I have no clue how you can remember all that stuff," some of the boys said something along the lines of this.

"If it wasn't for Lin-Manuel Miranda I wouldn't remember half the stuff about the American Revolution. So honestly, my test result is riding on Hamilton being historically accurate," he pretended to joke.

He genuinely was relying on Hamilton. He panicked in tests or when he was under pressure so things like musicals help him retain the information. 

The boys laughed at it, thinking he was joking which just made him more nervous about it all.

For the rest of lunch they chatted and did some study for their upcoming tests.

Eventually, lunch was over and they all headed to the classroom for their next, and last, test that day.

517 words

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