Chapter 20

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TW: Mention of blood, periods. I have terrible cramps rn so boom here's this chapter.

After a few days, they had started to properly get into the modules for the first term and of course they had to do the dreaded R.S.E module. The boys had only heard of the myth that are periods and frankly most of them didn't even believe they were real.

Afterwards they were all sitting around their lunch table contemplating life. Katherine and Sarah unlike the rest we're hardly phased by anything they learnt in that class. Davey wasn't either considering Sarah is his twin.

"Was she serious about that or is it a joke?" Finch spoke up, asking the question on everyone's minds.

"She's dead serious, I don't get why you're all so freaked out. It happens once a month, it isn't some strange phenomenon," Katherine said and Sarah laughed at the last part.

"But how do you know?"

"Do you want pain killers?"

"Why don't you get days off?"

"Do you want hugs?"

"Why aren't the things free?"

"Does it hurt?"

"Do you want some chocolate?"

Katherine and Sarah were met with a lot of questions some of which made them laugh others not quite so much.

"Okay, relax, you kind of just know that it's happening. We don't get any free things or days off because of misogyny and capitalism and I will always take hugs and chocolate," Sarah said quickly before the boys got a chance to start asking questions again.

"We've got to go and get our books for science and journalism and we're just going to head straight to the room after that so we'll see you in a few."

From that day on, the boys made a pledge to always have feminine products, chocolate and hugs for the girls if they ever needed them.

298 words

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