Chapter 21

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Crutchie was sitting at the desk at his and Elmer's room when he heard a knock at the door. Elmer had left to go hang out with JoJo and Albert and had taken the opportunity to get some homework and study done. So he was not thrilled when he heard the knocking.

Some of that annoyance went away when he saw who was at the door though.

"Hey Jack," he smiled. Jack walked past him and flopped on Crutchie's bed. "Hi Crutchie. Can I come in Crutchie?" he said imitating Jack's voice.

Jack shot him a look and just laughed at his terrible impression. "Oh my God Crutchie, you'll never guess what,"

"What Jack?" he sighed, really just wanting to finish his translations for French.

"So you know Davey?" He started. "Well I may or may not think that he is very cute and has very nice eyes and I am so very gay for him."

"Why don't you just tell him?" Crutchie asked, his interest now fully on Jack and French homework completely disregarded.

"Well, he's straight and he's totally out of my league and have I mentioned that he's straight?" he practically screamed.

"You don't know that he isn't straight," Crutchie pointed out. "And if you're desperate to find out why not just ask Katherine. Sarah's his twin so Katherine can ask her and she'd be more likely to know than not."

Jack's face lit up at the idea and leapt off of the bed and headed for the door. "You're a literal genius, bye," he shouted as he was running out.

Crutchie mock bowed and turned back to his homework.

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