Chapter 68

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Jack wasn't asleep for too long after Crutchie had gone into him.

It was partially because he was a light sleeper and Crutchie rubbing his back half woke him up but also made him more tired at the same time.

He had also been sleeping since they had gotten into the car and that had been a good 4 hours prior and the fact that he had been sleeping practically non-stop for the past day or so also made him wake up easily.

Crutchie wished he had something to record with since a half asleep Jack was the best way to receive blackmail against him.

He less wanted it as blackmail and just to embarrass Jack if he and Davey ever married, which, to be realistic, everyone knew they would.

Davey tended to be the main topic he spoke about.

He would go on for ages about his eyes and swoopy hair and the way he said big words that Jack didn't understand.

Crutchie thought it was hilarious and wondered how Davey hadn't ever heard him when he was like that.

When Jack finally woke up fully and was out of his David Jacobs simp mood he went to roll over to look at his bedside clock to see what the time was.

He got annoyed when he rolled into something that blocked his way to it.

He even tried rolling back and forth into whatever it was to see if it would get them to move out of his way.

Crutchie, knowing what Jack does of a morning and what he was looking for, peeped over his own shoulder at the clock to get the time for Jack.

"It's around half seven," he said while Jack still tried to get him to move.

"That's too early," Jack whined, still not having fully processed what was going on.

"In the evening," he added on as Jack stopped bashing into the side of him.

He wouldn't admit it but it did hurt a small amount, Jack was fairly muscular and had built up a fair amount of momentum.

The fact that his shoulder was going directly into the area below Crutchie's rib cage really didn't make it feel all that better.

Jack practically shot up when he realised who he was talking with, only he didn't shoot up and just flipped himself onto his back and looked up at Crutchie.

"Hi," Crutchie said once Jack had finally sat up.

"Hi," he replied.

"Are you okay?" Jack shrugged and rested his head on Crutchie's shoulder.

"I'm just really mad at him. I don't see why he had to bring it up, it's not like it's any of his concern," Crutchie nodded and looked down at Jack.

"I know and you only did what you had to do to survive." Jack shrugged his shoulders again, not fully believing him. "And if you won't accept that you did it so you could live. Think of it this way, I probably wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you. You always helped me no matter what, whether it be my leg acting up, us needing food or just needing someone to talk to, you were and still are always there for me."

Crutchie pulled Jack into a hug and Jack was quick to hug him back.

"Love you, Crutchie," he whispered.

"Love you too, Jacky,"

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